Wednesday, February 12, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

"Brought to you by Global Liberty News"

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What’s Wrong with This Country?

I received a ‘great’ question from a reader, and I’d like to base this week’s newsletter around it because, sadly, I hear it a lot, or some version of it. The question goes something like this:

“I live month to month, and with no credit, so I have no spare money to make money with. I can’t afford any money-making systems either, so I’m stuck in a trap. Can’t you just help me? What’s wrong with this country??”

Sound familiar? Okay, now it’s my turn…

Let me deal with the last part of the question first. I’ll demonstrate “what’s wrong with this country” with a news story I came across:

“NEW YORK (CBS NewYork) –  A Queens woman is suing Apple for $1,000,000 after smashing her face on a glass door at a Long Island Apple Store. Evelyn Paswall, 83, claims that the glass doors at the front of Apple Stores pose a risk to the elderly. Paswall’s attorney Derek T. Smith told the Post that, “Apple wants to be cool and modern and have the type of architecture that would appeal to the tech crowd, but on the other hand, they have to appreciate the danger that this high-tech modern architecture poses to some people.” Paswall claims that she didn’t realize that she was walking into a wall of glass as she approached the store, and says that she broke her nose as a result of the collision. Her suit claims that “The defendant was negligent . . . in allowing a clear, see-through glass wall and/or door to exist without proper warning.”

In short, what’s wrong with this country is that we’ve become a nation of victims. We’re incentivizing being a cry-baby, whereas China and India are incentivizing productivity. Who will the lead the world in the future?

Ask yourself what’s going on here. America doesn’t make things anymore so no new money comes into the country. Most posters you see on the highway are for attorneys. In this Apple lawsuit just mentioned, no new money was made for the country- it just changed hands from Apple’s to this victim’s and the lawyers. We’re on the road to Hell.

Nothing is anyone’s fault anymore. Nobody takes responsibility for themselves, even to perform a simple, prerequisite-for-existence task like looking where you’re going. And that’s a shame when you consider the ideas that this country was founded on: that life is what you make it, free enterprise, pursuing your dreams…

So, the next time you hear yourself whining, and blaming everything on what’s become of this country for making you a victim, point that accusing finger right back at yourself.

Other readers often ask questions like: “If So and So happens will everything get better?”

Whoever’s the president, what’s wrong with this country won’t change. You see, people won’t vote for what’s right for the country. They’ll vote based on how secure they feel in wage-slave opportunities (jobs). I’m not being cynical, I’m being factual, and I just proved as much with that election statistic. It doesn’t matter if the guy people are voting for has declared World War III on whomever, as long as he promises wage-slave opportunities.

Oh, and low gas prices. Don’t forget that, even if it means fighting illegal wars to keep that gas price down so we can all drive huge SUVs with our foot on the floor to get to soccer practice on time.

And this is why democracies contain the seeds of their own destruction: because the whole system relies on the average person using their vote responsibly, not selfishly and stupidly. Voting for ‘free money’ has practically bankrupted the country. As George Washington himself once said with words to the effect of: “I give you a Republic. Now let’s see if you can keep it.”

So, another thing that’s “wrong with this country” is that people don’t vote for what’s right for the country. If they did, politicians would stop making promises they couldn’t keep and making our children and grandchildren pay for our current day spending binges that involve, among other things, having an insanely large military occupying the four corners of the globe.

Working our way backwards through this reader’s question: “Can’t you just help me?”

My dear friend, that’s what we attempt to do here each and every day with our newsletters and products. It’s our mission statement. But I can’t wave some magic wand and make all your problems go away, and it’s childish for you to even ask that of me. Our goal here is to bring horses to water, or better still, to bring the water to horses! But I can’t make them drink…

The energy you’re spending complaining could be used much more constructively. Here’s the main part of the question:

“I live month to month, and with no credit score, so I have no spare money to make money with. I can’t afford any money-making systems either, so I’m stuck in a trap.”

This is a common scenario, and something I do sympathize with. BUT, while it may seem like a “trap”, it actually isn’t if you use your imagination a bit.

People often tell me they have no imagination or that they aren’t creative. But I’ve noticed that peoples’ imaginations come to life when they want to think of all the reasons why something CAN’T be done. And that’s a shame. Of course, as we’ve discussed before, it’s not YOU saying such negative things, it’s your EGO. Your ‘false-self’.

Having no spare money to make money seems tough, I know. But perhaps 20 years ago this would’ve been a more legitimate excuse. Not these days. I will admit, starting from no money at all is going to be a heck of a lot tougher than having a little cash to invest, but it’s certainly possible.

For example, today you can go to Amazon (or all number of websites) and become an affiliate in just a few mouse clicks without spending a dime. For about $9 you can then buy a domain name and divert any traffic to your Amazon (or whatever) affiliate link. Then you could print off some leaflets advertising your website and deliver them in mailboxes.

You could go on and have access to all number of experts and professionals who you could contract any work to- everything from building a website to doing peoples’ accounts.

How can you use this? Simple. Decide which service you want to provide your local community with, wash your hair and go get the business and take a deposit, and then go farm it out to someone on Elance and take a fat commission for yourself!

Or you could gather all your unwanted items, AND clear other peoples’ unwanted items and sell them on Ebay or a flea market or a yard sale.

And with the proceeds you could invest in a ready-made business.

There has NEVER been an easier time to start your own business. Thanks to the Internet, you don’t even have to carry any stock, take credit cards, or any of the usual nightmares that USED to accompany starting a business. You don’t even have to get out of bed!

And so there has NEVER been a more inappropriate age to whine about not having the opportunities to make money.

And so, with this question answered, you’re cornered. And you might just have to come face to face with the dark truth: Maybe you just can’t be bothered?

If you find this a little uncomfortable, or maybe it’s making you angry, I unsettled your ‘false self’- the part of you who doesn’t think you’re worthy of success. Your EGO is threatened with death.

You have plenty of opportunity, even without any money.

And here’s another no-money-needed opportunity: you could just go walk into someone’s glass door and sue them…

What’s wrong with this country? Well, I think the fact that a restaurant owner feels the need to write this on their signage might give you another clue:

chinese rest


Maybe we just need to get off our lazy asses and go do some work instead of grazing on copious amounts of food (I notice how there’s always plenty of time and money for this activity…)

Until next time…


Mark Patricks

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