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Trump’s Right Again: This Can and Will Lead to Civil War

admin October 1, 2019 Uncategorized Comments Off on Trump’s Right Again: This Can and Will Lead to Civil War

Trump Tweet on Civil WarNow that the intelligence community has launched yet another soft coup attempt at removing a duly elected president, the surrender wing of the Republican Party is twisting their bow ties in knots because Donald Trump has dared to say exactly what most Americans are thinking: You dummies are pushing America toward a civil war.

The most common question asked in the households of infuriated Americans over the past weekend was, “Honey, do these new tactical gloves match my AR-15?” And that’s what the Trump-supporting wives were asking. The statements from most husbands at my church were unprintable.

Everyone sees this phony “impeachment inquiry” for what it really is: Russiagate 2.0, yet another attempted coup. Before Donald Trump was even elected in 2016, the New York Times published an op-ed by former CIA Director Mike Morrell which claimed that Trump was an “agent of the Russian federation.” Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan called Trump a “traitor” on CNN, declared him to be guilty of “treason,” and said that President Trump is “in the pocket of Putin.” Obama holdovers in the intelligence agencies spent years trying to pin these falsehoods on Trump – falsehoods that originated in Ukraine and which ultimately turned up goose eggs after the Mueller witch hunt.

But now we should trust a “CIA whistleblower” who falsely claims that Trump solicited election help from Ukraine. Sure. You guys have such a great track record that we’ll just trust you this time. It’s not like Trump uttering the term “CrowdStrike” during that Ukraine phone call triggered a panic in The Swamp or anything.

Pastor Robert Jeffress in Dallas sent a message on his Twitter feed over the weekend: “If the Democrats are successful in removing the president from office, it will cause a civil war-like fracture in this nation from which our country will never heal.”

There’s absolutely nothing false or inflammatory in that assessment. President Trump retweeted that message, so now the squishy fake Swamp Republicans who have always hated him are bashing Trump to score media points. Leading the charge: Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL).

Kinzinger rushed to the nearest TV camera to declare, “I have visited nations ravaged by civil war. … I have never imagined such a quote to be repeated by a President. This is beyond repugnant.”

Quick question: Where does GOP, Inc. find these guys?

Hey genius Kinzinger, guess who else has been to a country that was ravaged by a civil war? Everyone in America! We went through one the last time that Democrats refused to accept an election result, which was in 1864.

In case the voters in Adam Kinzinger’s Illinois district are unaware, the guy has a solid ‘F’ scorecard rating from Conservative Review. He only votes on the Republican side of issues 29% of the time. That places him to the left of Representatives Luis Correa (D-CA), Lloyd Doggett (D-TX), Jimmy Gomez (D-CA), Collin Peterson (D-MN) and Jackie Speier (D-CA).

Adam Kinzinger’s voting record is barely – just barely­ – more conservative than Ilhan Omar’s. Just something for the voters of Illinois to keep in mind next year as they head to the ballot box for the primaries.

Former fake Republican Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ) decided it was time to get some belly rubs from the media as well, so he published a big op-ed in Jeff Bezos’ blog about how icky Trump is:

“Trust me when I say that you can go elsewhere for a job. But you cannot go elsewhere for a soul.”

Flake must be listening to the pro-abortion sermons of Saint Pete Buttigieg or something to come up with a line like that. If Republicans want to experience the joys of salvation, they must impeach Trump!

Let me guess, Jeff. Now that you’re no longer in the US Senate and no longer useful to the Democrat-media complex, your phone isn’t exactly ringing off the hook, is it?

Cardi B and Robert DeNiro are no longer calling you to attend their climate change cocktail parties? They promised to respect you the next morning if you abandoned all pretense of pro-American principles and let them use you, but then they never called you again?

I seem to recall predicting that one more than a year ago when you retired from the Senate in shame. It’s funny that we haven’t heard from you until now, Jeff.

President Trump has once again correctly gauged the American public’s mindset, by retweeting that message about a civil war. Rush Limbaugh, another guy with his finger on the electorate’s pulse, gets it too. He said on Monday that we’re in the middle of a “cold civil war” – and he’s absolutely right.

Consider yourselves on notice, Swamp Creatures. Rolling Thunder and Bikers for Trump have already declared that they’re descending on Washington, DC, locked and loaded, if you try to remove a duly elected president on such phony pretenses. Our votes in 2016 mattered and you don’t get to undo the election.

I know you think we’re all going to roll over and accept that Trump should be impeached for mentioning that Creepy Uncle Joe’s son, Chelsea Biden, got hired to sit on a Ukrainian gas company’s board for $50,000 a month and that it had a tiny whiff of corruption about it. Even though Chelsea had just been kicked out of the Navy a couple of months prior to that for drug possession.

(My editor informs me that Joe Biden’s son’s name is actually “Hunter.” I got the corrupt, empty-headed and unaccomplished children of elites who sit on corporate boards for millions of dollars in Democrat pay-to-play scams mixed up. I totally apologize for that error.)

The American voters would really like it if The Swamp would step back from the abyss. There’s an election next year, so if you want Trump out of office that badly, do your best to beat him. That’s our preferred option. But if you think that we’re all joking about this civil war thing, or that the tree of liberty is not thirsty, just keep doing what you’re doing.

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