Tuesday, February 18, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

"Brought to you by Global Liberty News"

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The Low Tech Option

How To “Cash In” with an Unusual Low Tech
Business and Achieve High Tech Results!

7:19 AM

Dear Entrepreneur:

I was exposed to a business recently which frankly…surprised me.

That doesn’t happen often to “The King”! Actually, I knew the business existed….but I didn’t realize how some entrepreneurs were leveraging it and making consistent profits with it.

Granted, thousands of entrepreneurs have tried this business and failed.  But one of the best ways to acquire an in-depth perception and awareness of any business is to learn from someone who has lost money in it, recovered and revised it so it makes money…


How to Get FREE Gas Forever

Free Gas may not sound like it’s going to change your life, but this is just a small sample of the sort of know-how I’d like to let you in on here.

If everything was free you could retire now, right?

Or to look at it another way, saving money makes you wealthier! As long as your lifestyle doesn’t suffer in the process… Changing the lens through which you view things can change everything.


**End Sponsored Content**

Let’s get to it…

How Anyone Can Make Money in This Super Low Cost Business

The business I’m talking about is teleseminars. But hang on….I’ll show you an interesting “twist” so you can be successful.

Tele-seminars are used to provide information, training, or to promote and sell products to a pre-qualified group of people.

Here are a few things NOT required in this business:

  • Fancy software
  • Employees
  • Office Space
  • Special phone lines and teleconferencing equipment
  • In-depth technical knowledge
  • Public speakers
  • Boatloads of cash

The teleseminars I’m talking about are similar to traditional conferences which are conducted at a physical location. But they’re delivered over a phone call or the web. Then repacked and sold again! Now we’re talking!

Teleseminars provide an opportunity for the host to provide information to a large number of people at one time or enable trainers to work with hundreds of people at one time rather than one-on-one. They eliminate the need for travel and hotel meeting room rental too.

These factors make teleseminars a very cost effective delivery method. The audience can vary in size from a few people to thousands. Participants can join a teleseminar from home or from on the road with a cell phone.

After subscribing to a teleseminar participants receive a phone number and pass code for a call. Sometimes teleseminar organizers will offer a course or presentation for free, with a view to offering a full course, presentation or access to a keynote speaker at a later date. These types of calls are great for prequalifying prospects too.

Teleseminars are usually recorded digitally for resale at a later date too.

The Business of Teleseminars

Businesses often use teleseminars to enhance in addition to their other marketing efforts, usually at a cost savings. For example, entrepreneurs are using teleseminars to sell automobiles, real estate, timeshares, books, DVD libraries, membership clubs, and almost any product or service.

Teleseminar marketing is being used in addition to the advertising done through the Internet, e-mail, search engines, TV, radio, and direct mail. Two big benefits of teleseminars are immediacy and interaction. Participants can interact with the hosts, guests, and even celebrities!

On top of that, information marketers are using free teleseminars successfully to sell ebooks, upgraded fee-based seminars, and more.

“How Can I Make Money with Teleseminars?”


Cash Could be ‘Released’ to YOU as Early as NEXT WEDNESDAY…

The world can descend into bankruptcy and chaos and this cash loophole could remain untouched.

Please read on to learn more about the quiet minority snatching cash, using no more than a few minutes a week of their spare time from home.


**End Sponsored Content**

You can make money by producing teleseminars for business owners and entrepreneurs.  Though, you can also make money with teleseminars by charging a small fee to attendees.

In my limited experience, the best way to charge a fee for a teleseminar is to give away a power packed shorter call. Think of the free teleseminar as the “pre-sale” to a larger event. During the free call you can sell the “main event.”

Another way entrepreneurs are making money with teleseminars is by selling back-end products, books, DVDs, specialized training, and even membership clubs. When you’re selling back-end products in a teleseminar simply refer participants to a landing page or website.

It’s a good idea to obtain a participant’s e-mail address as part of the “registration process” so you can contact them again about new products, teleseminars, or events.

The “Rarely Advertised” Nuts and Bolts of This Business!

The best part of this business is the ease of setting up a call!

In the most basic terms all you need is a phone. If you want to get a little fancier you can use an Internet connection, a microphone on your computer (or a headset), software to handle the call, and a guest! That’s it.

Oh sure… You can make it more sophisticated (or complicated) if you want to.

But the reason I love this business is because of low capital requirements, no inventory, no physical storefronts, or even employees. The “learning curve” is about talking to people and attracting visitors.

Attracting Participants

If you already have opt-in subscriber list or a customer list attracting participants is easy. Just invite them! If you don’t have an in-house list, and you’re starting from scratch, here are three ways to attract participants:

1) Search engines (keyword advertisements for as little as 3 cents a click and free organic search)

2) Advertising in targeted e-mail newsletters and/or websites (from $100-$1000 and up depending on the size and quality of the audience)

3) Joint ventures (These REALLY work! But entrepreneurs often get discouraged because they can’t find partners. The key is asking joint venture prospects a simple question:  What can I do to make this work for you? In other words, focus on the needs of others.)

Here’s an example of a joint venture with a view to attracting participants…..

Let’s say your teleseminar will be “How to Cash in on the Real Estate Collapse.”

The first teleseminar session could be free.

Your main objective would be to attract participants to a FREE seminar. Then you can sell back-end information products (or seminars) which give participants step-by-step instruction on “How to Cash in on the Real Estate Collapse.”

Now let’s find an entrepreneur who is very successful in this area.  In this hypothetical situation we would ask the entrepreneur if he would be willing to answer some questions from people in our teleseminar. He could promote his products, books, and courses during the call.  You could promote your information or back-end product during the teleseminar as well.

Better yet…

You could become an affiliate!

This way you could receive a percentage of all book, product, and course sales! Simply direct people to a specific landing page or website (or via an 800#) to capture sales.

Entrepreneurs are usually very receptive to joint ventures like this because the obligation (of time, money and resources) is so low. The guests may even promote the teleseminar to their in-house list! That’s the best of both worlds.

This is a great opportunity for anyone to get involved in. In fact, I’ve already started work on several teleseminar and webinar ventures for 2011.

You should do the same!


This Drug Dealers Secret Could Make You Rich!

I’m going to show you a secret that international drug dealers have been using for decades. But now you can cash-in on the same system for the very first time … and without risking a long spell behind bars!

Click below for the shocking details:


**End Sponsored Content**

Your Humble Host,
Marc Charles

(Ed Note:  Marc Charles is referred to as “The King of Business Opportunities” ….and for good reason. He should be known as “The King of Legitimate Business Opportunities”…because he’s launched, bought, sold reviewed and advised on hundreds of businesses and money making opportunities. He understands legitimate opportunities. Marc has agreed supply League of Power members with crucial updates regarding legitimate business and money making opportunities.)

********* Valuable Resources **********

WebEx (Webinars)

MegaMeeting (Video and web conferencing)

ConferTel (audio and web conferencing solutions)

Rondee (Free conference call service and scheduler)

Thomson Reuters (webcasting apps_



BrainShark (online presentations on demand)

MeetingBridge (webinar and webcasting apps)

OnstreamMedia(internet broadcasting solutions)

YouTube (Record, webcast and host seminars for FREE)

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