Tuesday, February 18, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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Tending the Garden

I had a funny conversation with my wife last weekend that re-taught me a valuable lesson.  One that I think can help you.  It’s already paying dividends for me and my goals this year.


On Sundays my wife and I usually like to go out and grab a nice relaxing afternoon lunch.  It’s a part of the week we both look forward to.  We get to sit down uninterrupted by TV’s, telephones, or computers, and discuss what we did last week as well as our plans for the week ahead.

I really enjoy using this time to reflect back and look forward.  Plus, I love getting to spend one on one time with just my wife.  There have been many rewarding breakthroughs that have come from these Sunday lunch chats, both personally and professionally.  However, this week was a little different.  My biggest breakthrough came on the way home…

On the way home from our delicious Sunday lunch I noticed one house that had a very nice garden.  It was hard to see everything they had, though there was a nice variety of vegetables and herbs.  As we passed by I thought about how nice it would to have a garden.  So I could go into my backyard and pick fresh tomatoes or peppers for our evening meal.

After thinking this, I said to my wife… “You know what… we should have a garden”

She than wittily snapped back with… “Ok smarty pants, who’s going to plant and take care of this garden?”

She caught me… And she knew I didn’t want do the work necessary to have a garden.

So I jokingly replied with… “You are”

Luckily, my wife understands my sense of humor, and that this clearly was a joke.  So we had a good laugh at the absurdity of someone wanting something (me the garden) while expecting someone else to do it (my wife).

Now I don’t expect my wife to start planting us a garden nor do I see myself getting to it either.  However, there was a really big lesson to take away from this.  This lesson has pushed me to take massive action on lingering projects.

If I want something I need to go out and get it.  This may seem obvious, but often times we as people tend to blame our lack of not having something we want on a number of outside factors.  All while ignoring the number one factor, our failure to take action.

If we want something, it is our responsibility and our responsibility only to make it happen.  We can’t expect other people to provide it for us.  

So I thought about times when I’ve expected things to happen without putting in the work in the past.  Things I’ve wanted, but somehow felt it was someone else’s responsibility to make happen.  Thoughts like, “one of my employees will get to it” popped into my head.  Or I just avoided the work waiting for a perceived “right time” to come along.  Maybe you’ve been guilty of this yourself before.

Perhaps you’ve wanted a million dollars in the bank, a new house, or a work from home business.  No matter how farfetched these seem, these are all things you can have.  Though you must remember, no one is going to do these things for you.  You must put in the work.

Just like planting a garden, you need to prepare the soil, plant the seeds, water it, and tend to it regularly.  It is only after countless hours of work and months passing by that you’re able to go into the garden and pluck a fresh tomato.

With that said…

You Really Will Get Rich Quick!

I know what you’re thinking… “Mark, you’re speaking out of both sides of your mouth.”  “You tell me it takes time and I need to work.  Now you’re telling me I can get rich quick?”

Yes, everything I said above is 100% true, as is everything I’m about to share now.

Recently, I was watching an interview with Jordan Belfort.  If you don’t recognize the name, he was portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio in the recent hit movie, “The Wolf of Wall Street”.

Now think of Jordan however you’d like.  He’s certainly done some crummy things…  As are clearly portrayed in the movie.

During the interview Jordan brought up something I’ve found to be very true in my businesses.  He said that in business and life you actually do “get rich quick”.  There are hours, days, months, and years of work that take place.  However, when the money starts to come in it comes in fast.  You can’t help but can rich quick.

In my business I can relate this to a launch of a new product.  It’s taken me years of work cultivating my list and keeping them engaged with good content.  Followed by the months for me to develop the product and marketing materials.  Finally, it takes weeks for me to write emails, create the marketing plan, and coordinate the launch.  Then when it comes time to launch the money comes in quickly over the next few days and weeks.

This is just like planting a garden.  You don’t just throw a seed on some dirt and come out the next day to dozens of tomatoes.  No, after months of gardening only then will you come out to an abundance of tomatoes.  They are the fruits of your labor.

So what is it that you want?  Is there something that you’ve been putting off for years?  Well you need to start taking action.

If you have taken action, I’d like to encourage you to keep going.  Maybe nothing significant has happened yet.  These things do take time.  Just like a garden it could be months of you tending to seedlings sprouting out of a pile of dirt.  Each day you come back to work and it seems like nothing new has happened.  This is all a part of business and your reward is coming.

So today I want you to take action or continue taking action on your path to success.  Just like you’re garden… it takes time, patience, and work.  However, the work is worth it.

We all have the same amount of time.  Why waste your time procrastinating and waiting for someone else to do something for you.  You need to start planting the seeds of wealth and cultivating your garden.


Mark Patricks

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