The Greater Idaho movement in eastern Oregon scored another significant victory last week. The voters in Crook County voted to begin talks about moving Idaho’s border westward so that the patriotic, conservative, pro-Trump, America First residents of the eastern half [...]
Democrats in the state of Oregon have hatched a new scheme to rig the 2024 election. The state’s liberal Supreme Court made the election altering ruling to BAN 10 Republican senators from seeking reelection. After Oregon’s Democrat Secretary of State [...]
There have been some significant developments in the “Greater Idaho Movement” in recent weeks. The Idaho legislature says it’s time to open talks with the Oregon legislature, because all of Eastern Oregon’s counties want to secede from the lunatics in [...]
America is going through a historic political realignment right now. One of the major reasons why I’m highly confident about President Trump’s reelection is because I see this realignment happening for the Democrats right now, just as I saw it [...]
Democrats who called President Trump a xenophobic racist Hitler clone in January for shutting down non-essential travel from China are suddenly demanding that their governors ban all interstate travel in the US. The latest poll from Rasmussen Reports shows that [...]