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Browsing the "Euro" Tag

The Battle for Euro(pe)

The Battle for Euro(pe)

Currency traders are a brave breed. They invest in trades based on moves of tenths of a point. It doesn’t sound like much, but when leverage of 100 to 1 is involved every move is magnified by a hundred times [...]

September 12, 2011 Freedom by Friday
The Talking Heads

The Talking Heads

They’re back. I haven’t turned on CNBC for months. For the most part the information you get on that network is old news. They do have good interviews of company CEO’s though, and that is why I decided to tune [...]

August 15, 2011 Freedom by Friday
Those Smelly PIIGS

Those Smelly PIIGS

They’re burning the midnight oil in Germany and France. The PIIGS are back at the trough again as Greece is back on the menu for default. Well, in truth, Greece has already defaulted on its debt a long time ago. [...]

June 20, 2011 Freedom by Friday
Overextended – You Bet!

Overextended – You Bet!

I was looking through the archives and noted that we’ve been bullish on gold, and silver for many, many months. Our conviction has led you to make enormous profits had you followed through on our advice. Today, however, I must [...]

April 25, 2011 Freedom by Friday
The State of the Union

The State of the Union

The speech always sounds better during a bull market. The Dow broke 12,000 but people aren’t feeling the love. Maybe it’s because many investors who have made back losses in the market saw those very same gains evaporate with the [...]

January 31, 2011 Freedom by Friday
Debt Lunacy and Gold

Debt Lunacy and Gold

I rarely watch business commentators on the news. After-all, when they are telling you what’s happening it’s already old news and most of their opinions are meant to get a rise out of you, not really inform you. The other [...]

January 10, 2011 Freedom by Friday
On The Horizon for 2011

On The Horizon for 2011

Happy New Year! 2011 is here and I expect that the markets will once again treat us to an unpredictable showing. If there is one certainty about the market it is that it has no certainty. Remember the flash crash [...]

January 3, 2011 Freedom by Friday
The Big Yawn

The Big Yawn

The big drama last week was the tax deal. Looks like we have another two years of the same tax regime. The markets should have rallied sharply on the news, but they didn’t. As with most “sure things” the market [...]

December 13, 2010 Freedom by Friday
Gold and the Dollar…Strange Bedfellows

Gold and the Dollar…Strange Bedfellows

There’s little argument that gold has outperformed every asset class in the past five years, maybe even the past ten. It is the currency of choice during times of chaos. But…so is the US Dollar. Yes, as much as we [...]

November 29, 2010 Freedom by Friday
A Bullish Respite

A Bullish Respite

The world’s problems disappeared, magically and overnight. Last week we saw three major rallies. The first was in the S&P 500; the second in the Volatility Indicator (VIX), and the third was in the Euro. It was the latter that [...]

July 12, 2010 Freedom by Friday