The plan to have Donald Trump sitting in a federal courthouse in Washington, DC, this week, instead of on the campaign trail, backfired spectacularly. America’s real president smashed Nikki Haley in the Super Tuesday GOP primaries and she suspended her doomed campaign a few hours later.
Unless Joe Biden keels over dead while racing to grab a toddler, it looks like we are headed toward a Trump-Biden rematch in 2024. And when Trump wins, we’re definitely going to have to do something about that stolen 2020 election.
There are always a lot of fun takeaways in the aftermath of Super Tuesday, and this one is no different. Joe Biden lost in Guam to a literal unknown candidate. Nikki Haley only managed to win one state which had an open primary, so Democrat voters crossed the aisle to vote for her. Two of the most interesting takeaways have to do with the same topic, however.
The first is that a huge majority of Americans believe the 2020 election was stolen and that Joe Biden is illegitimate. He shouldn’t be in the White House at all, because he lost by a lot. You are not alone if you believe the 2020 election was stolen. Don’t give in to the gaslighting that the mainstream media tries to constantly throw in our faces.
Back during the Iowa caucuses, CNN did an exit poll asking Trump caucus voters whether they believed Joe Biden had won in 2020. 86% of Republican voters said “No.”
On Super Tuesday, Interactive Polls took an exit poll of Republican voters in Virginia, asking the same question. Only 15% of Republicans in Virginia believe that Joe Biden won in 2020. 76% believe that Trump won in 2020, and 9% were undecided.
A lot of polling outfits are scared to ask this question, because the answer is always the same. Almost no one believes that Joe Biden got 81 million real votes in 2020. He is viewed as an illegitimate ruler by a majority of the American people.
The second major takeaway from Super Tuesday is that if the Republican Party doesn’t get on board with the America First movement, it will cease to exist after Trump leaves office.
Trump voters are never going back to business-as-usual when it comes to who we vote for. Strictly speaking for myself, I will never again hold my nose and vote for some RINO who supports endless wars or who thinks that tariffs are a bad thing to use against countries that we have a trade deficit with. I just won’t. And the polling proves that millions of us feel this way.
Here are just two quick examples. In the deep red state of Montana, Donald Trump leads Joe Biden in the polling by a margin of 56% to 35%. In the exact same state and in the exact same poll, incumbent Sen. Dan Tester (D) is leading Republican challenger Tim Sheehy by a margin of 44% to 42%. That’s a 14% difference between Trump and Sheehy. Both have R’s by their names and logically, both should be winning by roughly the same margin.
Pennsylvania is another example. Donald Trump leads Joe Biden 48% to 42%. Yet in the race for US Senate, Democrat incumbent Bob Casey leads Republican challenger Dave McCormick by a 47% to 40% margin. Once again, Republican voters prefer Donald Trump, but many refuse to vote for the Republican candidate for Senator. McCormick lost the primary to Mehmet Oz in the last Pennsylvania Senate race because he believes the 2020 election was not stolen. He’s an even worse candidate than Dr. Oz was.
We are never going back to the Republican Party of George W. Bush, Liz Cheney, and Adam Kinzinger. The message to Republican candidates should be crystal clear. We prefer the policies of Donald Trump. If you do not support those policies, we will not support you and we won’t even vote for you if your name is on the same ballot as Donald Trump’s.
We’re done with the business-as-usual politics. We demand leaders who put the American people first. We demand leaders who will speak out when an election is stolen, instead of hiding like cowards. Close to 90% of Republican voters believe the 2020 election was stolen. What percentage of elected Republicans in Congress have the courage to even say that it was stolen, let alone are willing to do something about it?