Monday, December 9, 2024
League of Power

The League of power

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Ron Paul’s Turn – Part 2

Holiday Greetings! Last week I wrote once more about Ron Paul and how he was surging in the race for the Republican nomination, but would not be the winner…despite how he shows in Iowa or anywhere else. It’s not the good Doctor that I am not fond of, nor his platform. It’s the reality that he does not have the personality to lead. Yes, America, being President is a personality contest in this day and age.

I wanted to share some of the responses we received on the article and of course share my responses to the responses!


A Dollar and a Dream

“A dollar and a dream”…  This was the famous ad slogan for the NY l.o.t.t.e.r.y. several years back. Your chances of winning are virtually zero.  But hey… It’s only a buck!

Well what if you could get hundreds, thousands, or even a million people to give you one lousy dollar just like the l.o.t.t.e.r.y.?  That’s what’s happening here!

Click here to read on.

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.    BRP Sr “I’ve been a Ron Paul supporter for years, and I’m a combat wounded veteran. I am forced to agree on his lack of personality. However, one keeps hoping that truth and ideas will win out against looks and BS. Maybe a forlorn hope. See, my problem is after Paul, and possibly Bachmann, I feel like I’d just be voting for the Kenyan but with a real US birth certificate.  I don’t think any of the others understand, or worse, care about the Constitution or the dire straits this country and world are in. And it appears that they all LOVE the idea of big government….also known as dictatorship… Bush said its best when he said he liked a dictatorship, as long as he was the dictator.” On December 19, 2011 at 6:49 pm

It would be great to see Ron Paul win something. I do feel that his showing this year will send a much stronger message than in the past that the establishment is not going to last very long. Over the past two years we have seen the emergence of the Tea Party, Occupy “whatever” and Ron Paul. These may be fringe elements, but that fringe is beginning to flex some muscles in the Capitol, on Wall Street and on Main Street.

.    KS   “If you are a true American, you would have thought twice about foisting your Ron Paul’ opinion on your readership. OUR cause for liberty and freedom, not to mention saving this once-great country, needs every fiber of positive energy and optimism, lest we suffer the consequences ahead should ANY OTHER candidate/NWO-puppet get elected!!!  You have respect from your readers. Therefore, you have the ability to actually sway opinions (unfortunately).  Please consider doing some sort of a follow-up on this negative Ron Paul piece. The stakes are just too high to callously put forth something such as this.”  On December 19, 2011 at 6:54 pm

KS, I would not call my piece negative by any means. Not that I want it to be a rah rah piece for Ron Paul either. I mentioned several positive aspects of his candidacy and platform. I pointed out the reality of the situation and that is Ron Paul is not going to be able to win the nomination or the General Election in my opinion because he just doesn’t connect with the majority of voters on either side. He has a following, without a doubt. He has a message. He is consistent. However, his positions are extreme most of the time which leads to his dismissal in the minds of most middle of the road voters.

.    RR   “BHO won in 2008 because he was the most personable candidate with a message which people enjoyed hearing.  What then can we (those of us who recognize the importance of image/personality in marketing our messages to the people) do to help Ron Paul develop what he needs to win?”  On December 19, 2011 at 7:08 pm

RR, I am sure that I am not the first person who has pointed out Ron Paul’s personality issues. At age 76, I doubt that he is in the mood to change very much and probably can’t do so without coming across as a phony. My suggestion would be for Dr. Paul to point out the positive effects of his policies – the results of what he is trying to put forth. He focuses on the negative aspects so much, that by the time he gets to anything positive, people are either too scared to listen or tune out altogether.

.    Don  “The fact that you would say that he is not going to get elected for his personality is exactly what is wrong with this country in the first place . Your an idiot . Who gives a sh*t what his personality is like !! All we should care about are his views and what he stands for !!” On December 19, 2011 at 10:31 pm

Don, take a reality pill. “Your” off base if you think that personality does not count. In a perfect world it should be all about views and what he stands for…when you find that world, drop me a line.

.    AL   – “Ron Paul for treasury, NOTHING else.” On December 19, 2011 at 11:18 pm

.    Bozz – “Resistance is victory! If your not for Ron Paul winning, then you are against everything that is right and good in politics. The establishment is freaked out that Ron Paul is winning, because they will go to prison when he wins.” On December 20, 2011 at 2:58 pm

.    Bill – “Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate who really understands the Constitution from its beginning. He knows about the bad guys and since he is NOT drinking the Washington Kool Aid as is Newt just lets see what happens. Yes the Rep higher ups do not like Paul cause he does not bow to their Builderberger New World Order crap. BC” On December 20, 2011 at 3:15 pm

Ed – “I’m not sure I agree with Dr Paul NOT wowing anybody; apparently you didn’t see his standing ovation on Jay Leno the moment he walked in or Jay’s 2nd guest who showed up wearing a Ron Paul revolution t-shirt and stump speech-ed for Dr. Paul. Apparently everywhere he goes where people pay attention he actually does wow people and its only the media that keeps repeating this nay-saying… And as for his policies, all of us with brains know he has those right. So, perhaps encourage people that he COULD win and that we would be smart to support him and ridicule the media. thanks and have a good day.”

Ed, Dr. Paul has his moments. But, taking the results of ovations from Late Night Talk shows or even his own events and extrapolating those to the general public are not realistic. Remember, there is no applause meter at the voting booth and there are no warm up acts to get you in the mood while you’re waiting in line. I hope that he polls well and some of his ideas do make it to the table in some form. That could be the best possible outcome and the one he is aiming for himself.


Embarrassing – You Win

Over the last year we’ve sold-out nearly every edition of our ‘Hidden Secret to Internet Wealth’ program.

Really, it’s no wonder considering you get a proven step by step blueprint for building a 7 figure online business from home.  Plus most of the hard work and research is already done for you.

Because of a “warehousing error” (aka: someone messed up), we found a few unmarked boxes containing previous volumes of Hidden Secret to Internet Wealth that we THOUGHT were all sold out.

Now there is nothing wrong with the older versions.  We’ve simply done a design and branding update and all the content is exactly the same.

And you can grab it for fraction of what we normally sell it for. Click here to read on.

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Kevin Raymond

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