Your standard of living is going to diminish dramatically if the 2024 election is stolen from Donald Trump. Even the foods that you are able to buy at the grocery store are going to dramatically change if Joe Biden or some other Democrat gets another four years in the White House.
According to a new report from the Buckeye Institute, Joe Biden intends to radically push America closer to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) “Net Zero” by 2030 goals.
Family farms will be eliminated to save the weather, and the foods that you can buy at the grocery store will dramatically change unless we reelect Donald Trump.
You’ve probably heard of the WEF’s Net Zero goals by now. The unelected weirdoes at the WEF want everyone to eat bugs, live in a small pod, own nothing, and be happy. That’s the only way that these sick cultists believe they can save the weather from getting slightly warmer a hundred years from now.
It sounds insane but according to the Buckeye Institute’s report, it is Team Biden’s policy goal over the next four years.
Under Net Zero, family-owned farms are to be eliminated by 2030. This is why we are seeing massive farmer protests in Europe these days. Treasonous European leaders are much further along in meeting the WEF’s goals. The leaders never openly admit that this is what they’re doing. They simply implement policies that make it too expensive to run a farm.
Joe Biden has actually been a puppet of the WEF all along. “Build Back Better” was not some campaign slogan that his team came up with in 2020. It was the WEF’s slogan. The reason why gasoline, diesel, groceries, your home’s electric bill, and rent have skyrocketed in the last three years is part of Net Zero. It’s intentional.
Once Joe Biden effectively drives family farms out of business in his second term, grocery stores in America will look dramatically different. Instead of steak, bacon, chicken, and hamburgers, Americans will have a selection of bugs and laboratory-grown fake “meats.”
Do you know how they grow those fake meats in a lab? They’re made of cancer cells. If you eat one of those things, you’re literally eating cancer.
We don’t know what their plan to replace vegetables is yet. We keep expecting Bill Gates to announce that he’s invented a new lab-grown “vegetable” paste, but it’s made out of poop. Because that’s how crazy these lunatics at the WEF really are.
Net Zero requires eliminating farms that grow natural foods and filling the gaps with manufactured products. Meat and dairy products won’t be completely banned, however. They’ll still exist but will be so expensive that no one other than Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Jeff Bezos, and other elites can afford them.
All of Joe Biden’s policies toward Net Zero are guided by the WEF’s “environmental, social governance” (ESG) agenda. To demonstrate what ESG will do to farms in Joe Biden’s second term, the Buckeye Institute set up a corn farm and tried to operate it under Biden’s planned carbon policies for 2025-2028.
The average farm in America has a profit margin of 11.3%. Playing by Joe Biden’s global warming rules, the Buckeye Institute’s corn farm saw its operating costs increase by 34%. The cost of groceries that will result from Biden’s carbon pricing will be so high that it will force American families to look for cheaper alternatives. Those cheaper alternatives will be bugs, cancer patties, and Bill Gates’s poop vegetables.
Even with a huge price increase for groceries, that will only save the grocery stores and some of the middlemen in the agricultural process. Privately owned farms will quickly be overwhelmed by the operating cost increases, and most farmers will simply give up. It will be too expensive to grow vegetables and livestock in the short term.
According to the report, the price of beef will increase from an average of $5.26 a pound to $9 a pound over the first year of Biden’s second term. Pork will go up to an average of $8.35 a pound and cheese will increase to $8.43 a pound. Coffee will increase to about $7 a pound. By the end of Joe Biden or some other Democrat’s term, millions of Americans will be paying for bugs and cancer patties to survive.
In case you’ve missed the point, reelecting Donald Trump in 2024 is a matter of life and death for the American people.