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Pencil Neck Adam Schiff’s House Intel Committee is a Circus

admin June 13, 2019 Uncategorized Comments Off on Pencil Neck Adam Schiff’s House Intel Committee is a Circus

Adam Schiff_2It’s a good thing there aren’t any active foreign threats against America right now, from China, Iran or anyplace else. That’s because Pencil Neck Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has the House Intelligence Committee forcing America’s intel agencies to worry about TRUMP TREASON COLLUSION.

While the Intel Committee was once a respected entity tasked with oversight of the secretive agencies protecting American lives, Schiff has transformed it into an alternate version of an anti-Trump mainstream media outlet. Today on MSNBC 8 – “The Ocho!” – Adam Schiff takes on EMOLUMENTS!

This past week, Chairman Pencil Neck called two former Obama FBI partisans to testify. Any guesses as to what they would testify about? Anyone?!

Robert Anderson and Stephanie Douglas are both Comey and Mueller sycophants. Their job in the hearing was, of course, to smear President Trump and his family on Russian collusion, despite the Mueller Dossier concluding that there was no collusion or obstruction. Republicans on the committee invited former US Attorney Andrew McCarthy as a counterweight to the Democrats’ dynamic duo.

Anderson and Douglas both proclaimed that the FBI would have taken it super seriously if any US person, company or political campaign was talking to the Russians in 2016. You know, unless those persons, companies or campaigns were Hillary Clinton, Fusion GPS, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, Sidney Blumenthal or the Democratic National Committee.

The hearing took a turn for the surreal when Rep. Chris Steward (R-UT) began asking the witness about the “Steele dossier” – the fake Russian collusion memos paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Steward asked the witnesses if anything in the Steel dossier has now been proven to be true.

Former FBI official Stephanie Douglas: “I’ve never read the Steele dossier.”

Former FBI official Robert Anderson: “I’ve not read it either, sir.”

This is remarkable, considering the fact that Pencil Neck’s star witnesses were supposed to be there to lie about how the FBI would never, ever abuse the FISA court. Let it sink in that everybody at the FBI went along with spying on a presidential campaign – and many of Obama’s top officials never even saw the fake “evidence” used to justify the illegal spying. They just went along with it!

Maybe that shouldn’t surprise us, since the purpose of Douglas and Anderson’s testimony was just to sagely nod along as Pencil Neck Schiff said the words “Orange man bad” over and over again.

As for Congressman Steward’s question, I can answer that for everyone: 50% of the Steele dossier is absolutely true. The problem with the Steele “evidence” is that the entire document was political dirty tricks similar to the Mad-Libs game we all loved as children. Start a sentence with something that is true and finish the sentence with anything you want!

Here’s an example:

“Carter Page traveled to Moscow in July 2016 and _____________.”

You can put anything you want in that blank space, and the first half of the sentence will always be true. You could fill in the blank by saying that Carter Page “stole Putin’s diamonds and rode off on a pony” – and it will still be true that Carter Page traveled to Moscow in July 2016.

Alternatively, you could fill in the blank by saying that Carter Page “helped OJ find the real killers” or that Carter Page “cured cancer.” Of course, that would be wildly upsetting to Joe Biden, who has promised to cure cancer if he’s elected in 2020.

No matter what fantastical story you use to fill in the blank, the first 50% of it stating that Carter Page went to Moscow will always be true.

The problem is that Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS and the Clinton campaign filled in the blanks with all sorts of completely false information about collusion with the Russians, and then the FBI used it as the sole source of evidence to justify spying on the Trump campaign.

Instead of “stole Putin’s diamonds and rode off on a pony,” they filled in the blank with “secretly held two super-secret meetings that no one knew about with Kremlin spies.”

When Hillary got really drunk during these creative writing sessions, they started filling in the blanks with howlers like, “and then hookers went potty on the mattress!”

Imagine if your worst enemy had the ability to take a true statement about you and then fill in the blank on the rest of that sentence and turn it over to the FBI. “You went to the bank and _________.”

Mad-Libs are great for kids on long car rides, but I’m pretty sure the Founding Fathers meant for us to use a more rigorous system before violating a person’s right to privacy.

Why doesn’t Pencil Neck Schiff just start calling loony Hollywood celebrities to testify in front of the Intel Committee at this point? I’m sure that crackpot Alyssa Milano could tell us about how state pro-life heartbeat bills are proof that Trump is in Putin’s pocket. OJ could finally reveal that he saw a man who resembled Hitler with orange hair fleeing the scene of the crime.

Rather than continuing to investigate the origins of the fake Russian collusion investigation, Pencil Neck Schiff now has the Intelligence Committee running interference for the Obama administration. One of the most serious and important committees in Congress – a committee that in theory has access to every classified document in the federal government – has been turned into a farce.

There was no Russian collusion, but Pencil Neck is still determined after all these years to continue dragging the phony investigation out. It’s a sideshow as a precursor to The Swamp’s fever dreams of impeachment. It’s a tremendous continued waste of taxpayer money. And worst of all, it’s a tremendous threat to America’s national security.

The House and Senate Intelligence Committees are the ones who are supposed to be watching the “watchers.” The committees are supposed to be in place to protect Americans by not only assessing threats and providing oversight, but also to ensure that a growing one-party police state doesn’t engulf our nation.

The Senate Intel Committee appears to be in good hands under the leadership of Sen. Lindsey Graham. The House Intel Committee under Pencil Neck Schiff is a lost cause for now.

It’s a good thing some hostile foreign power isn’t torpedoing oil tankers in the Persian Gulf or something. Wait, what?

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