Thursday, February 13, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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Missing the Point: Of Course Pepe Le Pew Was a Rapist

Some doofus at the New York Times, fresh off the cancellation of Dr. Seuss, has decided that it’s time to cancel that cartoon skunk from your childhood. Pepe Le Pew normalizes “rape culture.” Duh! Of course he did. Pepe Le Pew performed an important public service here in America. He helped parents to broach the subject of an incredibly important topic with their sons and daughters: All foreign men come from rape cultures and are far, orders-of-magnitude, more likely to rape American women than American men are.

The doofus at the New York Times is named Charles Blow. Here’s what he wrote on Twitter:

“Pepe Le Pew added to rape culture… 1. He grabs/kisses a girl/stranger, repeatedly, w/o consent and against her will. 2. She struggles mightily to get away from him, but he won’t release her. 3. He locks a door to prevent her from escaping.”

Since liberals are now incapable of complex thought process or comprehending metaphors, let me just spell this one out. There are only two possible types of people that Pepe Le Pew could have been describing:

The first is Matt Lauer of NBC News.

The second is immigrant men from foreign cultures.

Given the fact that Pepe Le Pew has been around much longer than Ted Kennedy’s 1965 Immigration Act, it’s clear that the cartoon skunk was a cautionary tale, meant to explain a valuable moral lesson to children in America: American boys should never, ever treat women or girls like the immigrant skunk does. And American girls should never, ever put themselves in a situation where an immigrant skunk can get all “handsy” with them.


Even people on the right who are sounding off against Charles Blow on Twitter (as they should) are missing this important point. One of the best responses that I saw on Twitter to Blow’s grade-school analysis was this:

“The moral of Pepe Le Pew was that the French are a**holes. No child was confused by that.”

That’s hilarious, and I give full props to the person who sent that response to Blow. But it’s not just that the French are a**holes. They’re also foreigners from an alien culture, which is always a disaster-in-waiting for native girls and women when you introduce huge numbers of said foreign males into a new population. (See the 100,000 fighting-aged male warriors, referred to as “unaccompanied children,” apprehended at the US-Mexico border in February if you have any questions about this.)

One of the most amazing things about America as we used to know and love it, was the way that this uniquely Christian culture used to protect women and girls. Rape was still punishable by death in America until the 1970s, when the Supreme Court found a previously undiscovered constitutional right for rapists. Women in America today literally have no idea how amazingly well they used to have it before the 1965 Immigration Act.

Since February 15 in this country, ten illegal aliens from Mexico have been arrested for child rape in North Carolina (the only state out of all 50 that keeps track of child rape by illegals). A Mexican national was arrested for impregnating an 11-year-old girl in Louisiana. In California, an illegal alien from Africa was arrested for distributing child porn that he had produced himself. (Not to mention the Mexican woman who killed four children in South Dakota, the Chinese guy who murdered a US Army veteran in Connecticut or the African couple who murdered their 7-year-old daughter in Jacksonville, Florida.)

You should absolutely let your kids watch Pepe Le Pew cartoons. Pepe Le Pew is a skunk who’s always trying to get busy with a cat; this is a metaphor that all children can easily understand. It teaches boys how they should not act toward girls, and it teaches girls that it’s dangerous to be around foreign immigrant skunks who come from actual rape cultures.

This will prepare your kids for sensitive discussions later in life, about why they shouldn’t take a job working for a certain Italian governor from New York, about the surgeries that Somali witch doctors perform on little girls in Minnesota, and why the person they choose to go on a prom date with is so important.

If there’s ever been a better metaphor for warning American children about the rape culture that foreign countries perpetuate than Pepe Le Pew, I defy you to tell me what it is.

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