You might want to sit down before reading this shocking bit of news, but… Democrats cheated in an election. We know. Shocker, right? A District Court judge just overturned the results in the race for Caddo Parish sheriff in Louisiana, after determining that there were more illegal and fraudulent votes cast than the Democrat candidate’s 1-vote margin of “victory.”
For those keeping score, this marks the second time this year that a court has overturned an election result after the Democrats cheated. If only there were some sort of identifiable pattern that would allow us to figure this all out!
This was a special runoff election that took place on November 18th. When the votes were counted, Democrat Henry Whitehorn “won” the race against Republican John Nickelson by a single vote. It’s so weird how all these elections keep swinging in one direction. What could be causing this?
Anyway, Louisiana has the distinction of using the oldest voting machine technology in the entire country. Their machines were cutting-edge back in 2005 when they were purchased, but today they’re about as obsolete as an 8-track player or a rotary telephone. When you cast your vote on these machines during in-person voting, there’s no paper trail to record anything. This makes it impossible to do a recount in any political race in Louisiana.
You push the button to do a “recount,” and these dinosaur machines can only spit out the same results as they showed the first time.
About 17% of the votes cast in this sheriff’s race were absentee paper ballots, though. The 1-vote margin of victory triggered an automatic recount of those ballots. When they were counted, each candidate picked up an additional 3 votes, but Henry Whitehorn still “won” the race by a single vote.
Nickelson sued to challenge the election, and on Tuesday, District Court Justice E. Joseph Bleich threw out the results. He declared the election null and void and has ordered a do-over election to take place. Under Louisiana law, you can only petition the courts to overturn an election if there is compelling enough evidence to prove that fraud took place.
In his ruling, Justice Bleich wrote, “This runoff election involved a one-vote margin. It was proven beyond any doubt that there were at least 11 illegal votes cast and counted. It is legally impossible to know what the true vote should have been.”
I have a theory about what the true vote should have been! What if the Republican actually won the race by 10 votes, but the Democrats fabricated at least 11 illegal votes to give their candidate the win? Does that sound plausible? Maybe we should all sleep on it and give it some more thought.
Last month, a judge in Bridgeport, Connecticut threw out the election results in the city’s Democrat mayoral primary race. It was proven in court that city employees had stuffed a drop box with an unknown number of illegal ballots. These crimes were caught on surveillance video and the city employees who cheated on behalf of the incumbent Democrat mayor have all been identified. Bridgeport, which is the largest city in Connecticut by population, still needs to hold a do-over election to determine which candidate is actually the mayor.
The big difference between these two relatively minor races—one for sheriff and one for mayor—and the 2020 election is that the courts actually went to the trouble to review the evidence. The Democrats and the media insist to this day that there was “no evidence” that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump.
“He lost 60 court cases!”
That’s a lie. Trump won the first 3 election cases that he filed in 2020, and the cowardly courts dismissed the other 57 without ever looking at the evidence. There was plenty of evidence to prove fraud in 2020, and a lot of it was remarkably similar to what we’ve seen in these two cases.
Surveillance video of Democrats stuffing drop boxes was enough “evidence” to throw out the election in Bridgeport. The discovery of 11 fake absentee ballots was enough to throw out the one in Caddo Parish. If that was sufficient to overturn these two smaller elections, why wasn’t the exact same evidence sufficient to overturn the race in 2020?