Friday, February 14, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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If Joe Biden Pulls Off This Win, America is in Real Trouble

It’s starting to look like the Democrats are going to get away with stealing the election. North Carolina is clearly choosing President Trump, so they have completely stopped recording votes for two days and counting. Nevada is trying a similar pattern. In Arizona, the mainstream media, including Fox News, is outright lying about the results. Pennsylvania leadership has vowed to cheat until Biden takes the state, and Michigan and Wisconsin both violated every election law and the state constitutions in order to swing in favor of Biden. Every day it becomes less likely that a fair outcome will be possible, and we need to prepare for the reality of a President Joe Biden.

If there is one thing Biden has proved in 40 years of politics, it’s that he is a complete failure at foreign policy. He will return to Obama politics. That means he’ll endorse Iran and probably enter into a new nuclear deal with them. That means once again we’ll give them hundreds of millions of dollars a year in exchange for their false promise not to create a nuclear bomb.

Without the economic pressure President Trump has placed upon them, they will have a free rein to continue terrorism and destabilizing the Middle East. President Trump’s historic deals will buckle and we’ll see war there that is at least as bad as during the height of ISIS. In five to eight years, Iran will have the bomb, and they will not be afraid to sell it or use it.

But Biden won’t stop there. He’ll go right back to selling America out to China. He’ll export our economy in order to get juicy business deals for his family. It will completely undermine the progress President Trump has made in curbing the China threat. We’ll lose jobs and wages will go down as a result. That last part will be a major theme of the Biden presidency.


On the domestic side, things will seem less dire at first. If projections are right, the Senate will remain in Republican control which will make it harder for Biden to pass his left-wing agenda. Knowing that, he will use a government shutdown and lockdowns to hold the Senate hostage in the midterms. He’ll push for socialized medicine and tax hikes. He’ll especially push for a corporate tax hit to kill any chance of maintaining the v-shaped recovery. This will help him justify exporting the economy to China. These two measures will both hurt jobs and wages.

Biden will also pursue a massive regulation agenda. This will all be executive orders and Congress will be powerless to stop it. Biden will go after fracking, causing gas and electricity prices to skyrocket. He’ll rejoin the Paris Climate Accord or something comparable, and we’ll get carbon taxes. The oil industry will collapse, and with it, we’ll see even more unemployment and wage loss. Biden will push the Fed to inflate its way out of the depression. It won’t work, so we’ll have massive inflation on top of collapsing wages and the worst unemployment we’ve ever seen. The Great Depression will be a warm memory.

So far in American history, issues like this were recovered through the American spirit, hard work, strong faith and innovation. Those principles have carried us through the bad times of the past. Biden’s policies will stifle all of that, and the division he pushes will prevent the American people from fixing it themselves. The elections are rigged. We won’t be able to vote our way out of this in the future.

Here’s the bottom line. Joe Biden will take the first steps towards installing a socialist government in America.  At first he’ll take baby steps, but in the span of four years he’ll get us a lot closer. Just in time for Kamala Harris to take over. Remember she was listed as more of a left-wing progressive than even Bernie Sanders.

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