A former Democrat prosecutor has been found GUILTY of stealing $15 million from the American taxpayers to buy things like a Rolls Royce and a 10-carat diamond ring, even using a portion of the cash to donate to corrupt Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis!
Shelitha Robertson, a Democrat prosecutor who also previously worked as an Atlanta police officer, was convicted on multiple counts of fraud after she ripped off the tax-payer funded Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
While her conviction happened back in December 2023, U.S. District Judge Steven D. Grimberg just recently put her behind bars, forcing her to serve seven years and three months in prison to be followed by three years of supervised release.
Robertson, who unsuccessfully ran as a Democrat in 2015 for a seat in Georgia’s House of Reps., represents EXACTLY what’s wrong with the Democrats and why they’re destroying America.
These vile leftists are only interested in getting into power to further their own personal interests and the first chance they get they take advantage of the American people to line their pockets!
U.S. Attorney Ryan K. Buchanan said that Robertson was motivated by greed and in turn “deceptively obtained funds that were designated to provide emergency financial relief to struggling small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
“The defendant in this case was held accountable for fraudulently obtaining millions of dollars through the Paycheck Protection Program and using those stolen funds to enrich herself, while small businesses were struggling during the pandemic,” said Kyle A. Myles, Special Agent in Charge of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
In Robertson’s case it was PPP funds, but for most Democrats – especially the higher ups – their efforts to steal from taxpayers come with a side of treason.
Take Democrat Senator Bob Menendez, for example, who has held his seat for 18 YEARS and was just recently exposed for taking BRIBES and acting as a foreign agent for the governments of Egypt and Qatar.
And of course, how could we possibly forget the biggest crook of them all – Joe Biden.
Joe and his family have made tens of millions of dollars off of selling “the Biden brand” to foreign nationals from countries like China, Russia and Ukraine, but NOBODY bats an eye because it’s just what Democrats do.
They betray our country in exchange for some extra cash in their pockets, simultaneously pushing policy that is influenced by foreign entities who want to see America destroyed.
Democrats like Biden and Robertson don’t care about this country – they never have. The ONLY thing that drives them is their own self-interest.
From the bottom to the top, the entire Democratic party is INFESTED with anti-American weasels like these people. Just imagine all of the crimes that we DON’T know about and never will.