Our border crisis is never going to get solved if Donald Trump is not reelected in 2024. The America that we used to know and love is going to be permanently fractured as a political entity, and will likely cease to exist, if the enormous flood of illegal aliens is not stopped. Joe Biden will not stop the madness, and neither will any other Democrat who ends up in the White House.
In a northern Minnesota town, a group of illegal aliens has just been arrested for kidnapping and viciously raping little American girls. That is the horror that awaits every American community if we don’t send Donald Trump back to the White House.
This story is not for the faint of heart.
Only local news reports in Bemidji, MN are reporting this incident. It’s too damaging to the narrative that unlimited numbers of diversity invaders are a boon to America. A gang of 11 illegal aliens has been arrested after an 11-year-old girl escaped from their rape house and made her way to the hospital.
An American woman named Verna Fairbanks allegedly lured the girl to the home. She tied a rope around the girl’s neck and forced her to drink alcohol, according to reports. The little girl then told police that a bag was thrown over her head and she was taken upstairs and tied to a bed between two other girls. One of the girls was bloody and had been beaten unconscious. Another girl was locked in the closet after she was beaten and raped.
The 11-year-old was beaten and gang-raped by at least four adult men in the house. One of the other girls was able to untie her. She was grabbed by one of the men who had raped her, and he threw her down the stairs. She managed to escape out the front door and run away. Two days after her escape, as she was recovering in the hospital, the little girl described her pain as an 8 out of 10.
22-year-old Oscar Luna, an illegal alien from Mexico who used to live in Mission, Texas, has been arrested as the leader of the child rape-and-kidnapping gang. Ten other illegal alien men were taken into custody at the rape house. Welcome to Minnesota, which used to be the whitest and politest state in America.
If you want to know where this is heading in the United States, look no further than the European Union, which threw its borders open wide to the Middle East and Africa back in 2015. In the EU court systems, illegal aliens don’t even get prison time for raping local European girls in many cases. There are so many rapes being committed against local women and girls in some countries that the police don’t bother making arrests.
Just last week in Germany, for example, a Pakistani illegal alien received his sentence for raping a 15-year-old girl that he caught and dragged into an alley. He confessed the crime to police and pleaded guilty in court. The judge gave him three years of probation. No prison time. Amazingly, the judge praised the illegal alien rapist at his sentencing hearing!
He told the illegal alien that he was doing a great job at assimilating to German culture. You know, other than THAT ONE THING.
He also noted that the illegal alien rapist was doing such a great job at adjusting that he was well on his way to becoming a full German citizen. Hooray!
In Sweden, so many people are getting raped by illegal aliens that the cops don’t bother with arrests in many cases. Two years ago, a 14-year-old girl reported that she had been raped by a Middle Eastern cab driver who was giving her a ride. No arrest. No prosecution.
Today, the girl is 16 years old. Police say she contacted her rapist last week. She allegedly told him that she had enjoyed it when he raped her two years ago, and that she wanted to get together with him again for some action. She told him to bring some alcohol and to meet her at a secluded nature reserve outside of Stockholm.
Amazingly, the illegal alien rapist fell for this!
When he showed up at the secluded forest, he was met by his 16-year-old rape victim. Then, her 16-year-old boyfriend and his three brothers (17-year-old twins and an 18-year-old) showed up wearing masks. They beat the crap out of him, dragged him a half-mile into the forest, and hung him from a tree.
The same police who refused to arrest the illegal alien cabbie for raping a child were shocked—shocked, we tell you—to find that he had been viciously executed. Something that these neoliberal progressives don’t seem to understand is that when there is no justice available to the people, this is the result. Vigilante justice will always do in a pinch.
This is what’s coming to America in the next few years if the border is not sealed and massive deportations don’t begin very quickly. The choice in the next election is Donald Trump on the one hand, or having our children and grandchildren grow up in a country where illegal alien rape gangs and vigilante justice are a fact of life.
Vote accordingly.