Friday, May 3, 2024
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Is Matt Drudge Dating Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

As conservatives we’ve grown very accustomed to getting our news from alternative sources, thanks to the internet. Prior to the internet, we were pretty much limited to Rush Limbaugh and talk radio, but now we have a smorgasbord of great conservative content online. Including but not limited to, *ahem* this site, *cough, cough*.

Seriously, think about all the day trips we take on the web to get our news these days – Breitbart, Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller, the list goes on. The Drudge Report used to be such a spectacular website that I would set it as the home page on my web browser. It would be the first thing I would see when I’d log on to the internet every day.

Serious question: When did The Drudge Report join the #Resistance?

If you’ve had a sneaking suspicion for the past few years that the Drudge Report is turning into yet another anti-Trump fake news site, you’re not alone. My visits to the Drudge Report have been fewer and fewer since President Trump’s election.

Nowadays when I click on Drudge, I often feel like I’ve accidentally stumbled onto MSNBC’s website. The Trump hatred practically drips off the page. Matt Drudge has never exactly been a friend to Americans on the right. He’s one of those loopy libertarian utopians who thinks the world would be spectacular and everyone would behave themselves if we had no government at all. But he’s never been an enemy to everyday Americans before, either.

That was part of the key to Drudge’s success. Drudge drove leftists insane because he’d link to articles that destroy The Narrative. Everyday people appreciated that, even if Drudge did seem to have a weird fascination with Julian Assange and volcanoes.

Today, Drudge links to patently false news outlets pushing The Narrative. It’s like he suddenly joined the New World Order. I keep expecting a picture of Matt Drudge partying on Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet to pop up on the web.

If you don’t believe this, here’s a snapshot of what the Drudge Report has at the top of the site right now, as I’m writing this.

First headline: SHOCK POLL: Trump Disapproval 62%…

Huh?! Who could possibly believe that headline, other than #Resistance SJWs at a cruelty-free coffee bean shop?

When I click on that link, it goes directly to a story about an Associated Press poll. That explains the 62% figure.

In 2016, the AP’s pre-election polling showed Hillary Clinton winning the Electoral College vote 274 to 190 against Trump, with an additional 74 votes in play. Great going, by the way, AP. Using the AP’s 2016 accuracy as a guide, the poll results are upside down and Trump’s approval rating is probably around 56 to 58%.

Second headline: 12% of Republicans would be unhappy to see him reelected…

Sure, they do. Their names are Mitt Romney, John Bolton, Bill Kristol, James Comey, Robert Mueller and the Friends of John McCain Super PAC. They’d be unhappy to see him reelected because they were unhappy to see him elected in the first place. They all voted for Hillary, so who cares that they would be sad over a second Trump term?

Third headline on the Drudge Report: Conservative radio host may run against…

Oh no! Who is this “conservative radio host?” It’s Joe Walsh!

No, not the guitar player for the Eagles. That Joe Walsh is kind of cool for an old-school Democrat. He does a lot of great charity work for veterans and doesn’t start foaming at the mouth at the mention of Donald Trump’s name.

That Joe Walsh is so cool, that if you ever meet him, you might suspect that he’s one of those secret Democrat Trump voters. (Sorry if I just outed you, Joe.)

The Joe Walsh that wants to mount a primary challenge against Trump is the other Joe Walsh, who is a loser. For those who don’t remember, Congressman Joe Walsh (R-IL) was first elected during the anti-Obamacare Tea Party wave in 2010.

As soon as voters realized that Walsh was a pro-abortion and pro-gun control ally to Obama, the Tea Party base abandoned him, and he lost his reelection bid in 2012 to Tammy Duckworth.

That’s so amazing that it’s worth repeating: He lost to Tammy Duckworth.

That’s like losing a game of horseshoes to Stevie Wonder. Imagine how terrible Joe Walsh had to be at conservatism for the voters to think Tammy Duckworth would be a better choice. At any rate, his primary challenge to Trump is even more doomed than that Gavin McMuffin guy in 2016. He’s not a serious candidate and this is not a serious news story. Why is Drudge linking to it?

Fourth headline on Drudge: JOB GROWTH REDUCED BY 501,000…

That number is so high that it could only be deliberate sabotage on the part of Obama holdovers in the Department of Labor. Trump has been the biggest jobs creating president in US history, so even when they pull a stunt like this, the media still has to spin it.

Think back to Obama’s eight-year reign of malaise. The press never had to revise job growth numbers downward. They always had to revise unemployment numbers upward.

“Why, this Obama economy is singing! Unemployment is at 3.6%!”

Then a few weeks later, they’d revised the unemployment stats back up to 8 or 9%, but CNN would somehow fail to mention it.

They would also fail to mention the catastrophic – over 50% – rates of unemployment among young black men, who were being squeezed out of jobs by illegal aliens.

That’s only scratching the surface of the huge volume of anti-Trump fake news links that are appearing on the Drudge Report every single day. Just five years ago, Matt Drudge would have stuck his foot in a bear trap before he’d link to articles like that. And if he did link to stories like that, he would always rewrite the headline so you could spot the bias more easily.

The mainstream media is doing everything in its power to try to cause a recession right now, as if that would somehow make Trump voters suddenly decide that Big Chief Pocahontas of the Milli Vanilli tribe would be a better choice in 2020. Matt Drudge is helping the media do this. We should be sorry to lose a sometime ally like that, but oh, well. At least we still have Breitbart and us.

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