Thursday, February 13, 2025
League of Power

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16-Year-Old Girl Denied a Lifesaving Lung Transplant Because She’s Not Vaxed

A 16-year-old girl in Sidney, Australia is fighting for her life right now. She has leukemia and it’s a really bad case. She needs a double lung transplant. St. Vincent’s Hospital in Sidney says that Dazelle Peters will just have to die, because it would be too much of a risk for the medical staff at the hospital to operate on her.

They are refusing to operate on the dying girl because she has not taken four COVID shots as directed by Australian health authorities.

Josh Peters, the girl’s father, says the hospital told him they couldn’t perform the surgery on Dazelle because her unvaccinated status would be a “major threat to everyone (in the hospital) who has done the right thing.”

The arrogance of these people is stunning. And are we still using that stupid argument this many years later? Your shots don’t work unless I take the shots? Really? That’s not how this works and everyone knows it. The argument that your vaccine doesn’t work unless someone else takes it is almost as stupid as the claim that one of the symptoms is not having any symptoms.


Dazelle’s family was then told on May 9th that the set of available transplant lungs would be given to a better patient. Ever since she received a bone marrow transplant, Dazelle has been fighting graft-versus-host disease. Her immune system is attacking the donor’s blood cells, and she’s also battling pneumonia.

The hospital says that Dazelle’s case is complicated, which is a factor in not operating on her, but also admits it won’t do the surgery because she’s unvaccinated.

Dr. Nick Coatsworth is a surgeon at the hospital and he gave a meal-mouthed statement that is the exact opposite of what the hospital has already told the girl’s family, saying, “From a transplant physician’s point of view, the biggest risk to you is when we hit your immune system like that, if you get Covid-19 without having the vaccine, then there is a significant risk that organ will die with you.”

You can’t have it both ways, doc. You can’t claim that the girl needs the shot to avoid getting COVID, while also claiming that the unvaxed girl is a “major threat to everyone (in the hospital) who has done the right thing.”

“They are a Catholic hospital,” says Dazelle’s dad. “They have all taken an oath to help people and take care of people and do the right thing by people. Who deems that she doesn’t deserve a chance over anybody else?”

The Peters family has done everything it can to ensure that Dazelle is a suitable transplant patient. The only thing they have opted out of is the experimental mRNA COVID jabs.

The parents say Dazelle’s condition has been getting much worse over the past few months. Her internal organs are shutting down, and she’s shrunk to less than 90 pounds. She collapsed in her bedroom over the weekend and had to be rushed to the hospital. She’s too weak to even put the little plastic oxygen mask on her face.

“Dazelle has been clear she doesn’t want the jabs,” says her father. “People think that because we are the parents, we make the decisions, but we are not talking about a five-year-old child here. We can’t force her, and the hospital know they can’t force her.”

The girl seems to understand that the COVID jabs would likely kill her at this point. One-third of young vax recipients suffer at least some level of heart damage. That is beyond dispute in the medical literature at this point, even though the CDC is still saying the shots are “safe and effective.”

We have seen some happy endings with these stories in the US and Canada. Public backlash against hospitals has been fierce when they deny unvaccinated people lifesaving transplants. Unfortunately for Dazelle Peters and her family, it doesn’t look like there is going to be a happy ending this time. St. Vincent’s Hospital in Sidney is adamant that they’re going to find a “better candidate” for the lung transplant—meaning one who has received four COVID shots.

Even if Dazelle were to change her mind today, it would take 9 months to administer all the COVID shots to her. Dazelle doesn’t think she’s going to last that long, though. Her parents say she has given up hope, and she doesn’t expect to live much longer.

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