“No one voted for Elon Musk” is one the laziest Democrat Party talking points that we’re hearing every day now. The establishment in Washington, DC is furious that President Trump’s chosen hatchet man is actually hatcheting all the federal agencies [...]
We’ve all seen how the rage-filled left has treated President Donald Trump over the past several years to try and keep him from returning to the White house, unleashing a fury of lawfare cases, trying to have him KILLED, and [...]
Former Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard revealed that President Joe Biden is not truly in charge – exposing him as a “front man.” Gabbard said that Biden is following orders from former President Barack Obama who once joked about finding a [...]
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) seems to be the only elected Democrat anywhere in America who actually understands that populism can cut both ways. There’s a huge swath of voters out there who don’t live and breathe politics like some of [...]
A few months ago, I wrote about the remarkable lengths that the DNC is going to just to cheat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) out of participating in the debates. (Plus, I wrote another report about that weird Soviet-spawned hippy-dippy cult [...]