Wednesday, February 19, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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Today Is National Gift Card Exchange Day

Today Is National Gift Card Exchange Day

Merry Christmas! Did you get everything you wanted? Chances are you got a lot of great gifts, but there were one or two items under the tree that you had to fake a smile as you unwrapped it. Thankfully I [...]

December 26, 2012 Easy Street
Another Case for Term Limits

Another Case for Term Limits

Isn’t it bad enough that only 9% of Americans approve of Congress as far as their job performance is concerned? The latest revelation about our elected political class is enough to make most voters sick to their collective stomachs. Amazingly [...]

November 21, 2011 Freedom by Friday
One Less Evil in the World Today

One Less Evil in the World Today

A few issues back I wrote to you about “chaos-stan”, referring to the area of the world that is in turmoil today, and the area that we should be paying particularly close attention to. My number one concern was Pakistan, [...]

May 2, 2011 Freedom by Friday