Friday, February 14, 2025
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Browsing the "oil" Tag

Biden’s Energy Secretary Asks Oil Executives to Increase Production to Take the Pressure off Soaring Gas Prices They Caused in the First Place

Biden’s Energy Secretary Asks Oil Executives to Increase Production to Take the Pressure off Soaring Gas Prices They Caused in the First Place

It’s safe to say at this point, Democrats have no fracking idea what they’re doing. The Biden appointed officials are scrambling to do something…anything about the out of control energy prices in this country- despite the fact they caused the [...]

March 11, 2022 Uncategorized
Did Obama Have the Air Force Helping ISIS in Iraq & Syria?

Did Obama Have the Air Force Helping ISIS in Iraq & Syria?

Syrian leader Bashar al Assad has sat down for his first interview with a western media outlet in years. He had some interesting things to say about his arch-nemesis Barack Hussein Obama, for those who listened closely and remember recent [...]

October 13, 2020 Uncategorized
A Powerful Money Making Tool!  A Gift from Financial Markets Delivered to You on a Silver Platter

A Powerful Money Making Tool! A Gift from Financial Markets Delivered to You on a Silver Platter

8:04 AM Dear Entrepreneur: Lawrence M. made a fortune with this opportunity.  I’ve done incredibly well too. Lawrence has an “edge”…and I’ll show you what it is.  But first, a little tip (which took me years to understand). In financial [...]

November 1, 2013 Weekend Business Blueprint
U.S. Economic Recovery Threatened by Events in Syria and at Home

U.S. Economic Recovery Threatened by Events in Syria and at Home

I would call myself a glass is half full kind of person. I generally try to look on the bright side of things. But the recent events in Syria as well as new economic threats at home make it really [...]

September 16, 2013 Uncategorized
Does Bombing Iran Make Sense?

Does Bombing Iran Make Sense?

Does Bombing Iran Make Sense? As tensions rise in the Middle East surrounding Iran’s nuclear program, the calls are getting louder to engage the country militarily. Of course, the main proponent for this stance is Israel, which makes sense since [...]

February 20, 2012 Uncategorized
If You Blinked, You Missed It

If You Blinked, You Missed It

QE 3 If you blinked, you missed it. But, you can see it in person this week at your neighborhood gas pump. The Government launched its QE 3, quantitative easing package number 3 a few days ago when it turned [...]

July 4, 2011 Uncategorized
The Mother of All Opportunities

The Mother of All Opportunities

Wait for it…that sound that you’re hearing is a collapse in the commodities markets. Funny how the price of oil has fallen by 10% in a week – what happened? Is it suddenly cheaper to get it out of the [...]

May 16, 2011 Freedom by Friday
Overextended – You Bet!

Overextended – You Bet!

I was looking through the archives and noted that we’ve been bullish on gold, and silver for many, many months. Our conviction has led you to make enormous profits had you followed through on our advice. Today, however, I must [...]

April 25, 2011 Uncategorized
An Incredible Gift for Making Money

An Incredible Gift for Making Money

An Incredible “Gift” for Making Money in Financial Markets Enables You to Lower Risk and Leverage Trades 7:34 AM Dear Entrepreneur: “Is this a legitimate tool for making money in the market or another Wall Street deception?” T.M. Sante Fe [...]

April 15, 2011 Weekend Business Blueprint
A Tax Free Investment Idea

A Tax Free Investment Idea

Municipal Mess or Opportunity Death and taxes are inevitable. You can’t really do much about the former but you can certainly do a lot about the latter. As the tax filing deadline approaches I often take the opportunity to plan [...]

April 4, 2011 Uncategorized