Speculation has reached a fever pitch after both Elon Musk and Donald Trump have declared that they’re going to Fort Knox, America’s gold reserves. Due to mistrust in the Federal Reserve and the financial industry in general, many have speculated [...]
The presses are back on. Money’s cheap and there’s lots of it. You haven’t heard? The US Federal Reserve has taken on the role of the World’s banker as evidenced by the announcement last week of a coordinated action by [...]
December 5, 2011
Freedom by Friday
Spreading Some Market Cheer I hope that you all enjoyed your holidays. Apparently you were in a good mood if the latest retail sales numbers are accurate. Of course the comparisons were to rather dismal numbers last year and even [...]
December 6, 2010
Freedom by Friday
How Can I Determine if a Potential Investment is Overpriced? Question: I’m not a savvy investor by any means. But I haven’t lost a fortune chasing hot stocks, real estate or other investments either. Over the past four years my [...]
Well my friends, Gold is setting new highs and that should be sending you a message loud and clear. The world’s financial system is only as good as the paper it’s printed on. We have been crowing about gold for [...]
Looking for 16% on your money? Look no further than Greek short-term bonds because that’s what they’re yielding. The Euro bailout package that started at $20 billion is now more than $100 billion and it will go much higher if [...]
The 10-year Treasury bond hovered around 4% recently, and the 30-year bond is trading within a couple-dozen basis points of 5%. What inflation? A year ago, people were flocking to the safety of negative returns on short term paper to [...]
For years, the government, Wall St. and the media all told you what you wanted to hear: that stocks, real estate and prosperity would continue up forever. For some- the informed few- they were right. But for most, their comforting [...]
December 22, 2009
Freedom by Friday
What You Want to Hear For years, the government, Wall St. and the media all told you what you wanted to hear: that stocks, real estate and prosperity would continue up forever. For some- the informed few- they were right. [...]
December 22, 2008
Freedom by Friday