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All posts by Mark Patricks

This Weeds out the Winners from Losers

This Weeds out the Winners from Losers

Sometimes I get asked the question, “Does luck have anything to do with getting rich?” Well sure it does…if you plan to make your money by winning the lottery or becoming a movie star. Then yes, luck has everything to [...]

November 18, 2013 Freedom by Friday
Next Time You Point a Finger, I’ll Point You to the Mirror

Next Time You Point a Finger, I’ll Point You to the Mirror

Fair warning to you…I’m writing this letter in a very pissed off mood. I will most likely come across a little harsher than I normally do. So if you are feeling sensitive today, DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER. The reason [...]

November 11, 2013 Freedom by Friday
Can You Look Fear in the Face?

Can You Look Fear in the Face?

You receive this letter from me because you are interested in getting rich and being financially free. You clicked the button that said: You are tired of spacing your bills out because you can’t afford to pay them as they [...]

November 4, 2013 Freedom by Friday
Overcoming Difficulties: The Story of David and Goliath

Overcoming Difficulties: The Story of David and Goliath

Several years ago a series of books were published that drew a lot of criticism and praise.  People were astounded at the correlations the authors found between things that on the surface had nothing to do with each other. The [...]

October 28, 2013 Freedom by Friday
Why Your Job Sucks

Why Your Job Sucks

You go to work diligently every day, put in your eight hours, come home and have just enough time to eat and sit in front of the boob tube for a few hours before you have to go to bed [...]

October 21, 2013 Freedom by Friday
The Next Four Days Will Decide Our Fragile Economy’s Fate

The Next Four Days Will Decide Our Fragile Economy’s Fate

The Government is hell bent on pushing us back into a recession! As I write this we are on week two of the government shutdown. For 14 days neither the Obama administration nor members of the Republican Party felt any [...]

October 14, 2013 Freedom by Friday
The Shutdown is the LEAST of America’s Worries

The Shutdown is the LEAST of America’s Worries

At the time of me writing this the U.S. government is still shutdown. Have you been affected? 98 percent of us will answer with a resounding “NO!” Not much has really changed. The post office is still open…garbage is still [...]

October 7, 2013 Freedom by Friday
Your Retirement Savings Won’t Be Enough…No Matter How Much You’ve Saved

Your Retirement Savings Won’t Be Enough…No Matter How Much You’ve Saved

Last week I told you about how this so called economic recovery we are in has been limited to the super wealthy. They are the only economic class that has fully recouped their losses sustained in the 2009 recession. Middle [...]

September 30, 2013 Freedom by Friday
The Death of America’s Middle Class

The Death of America’s Middle Class

America the beautiful. America the brave. America the…poor? Well at least some of us are.  Despite every piece of news this week talking about the rapidly rising stock market, Americans for the most part are still worse off than they [...]

September 23, 2013 Freedom by Friday
The Lies We Tell Ourselves

The Lies We Tell Ourselves

Throughout history there have been numerous tales of fierce warriors and epic battles. One such story is about the Greek warriors. Their fierceness and prowess was legendary, not because of their training or weapons, but because of their resolve. Legend [...]

September 9, 2013 Freedom by Friday