We’ve been saying for years now that someone committed treason on January 6, 2021, and it was not Donald Trump. President Trump had issued direct orders for the National Guard to be deployed in Washington, DC, that day because he knew the FBI was sending undercover operatives to commit violence and try to start a riot. Someone disobeyed Trump’s order by not deploying the troops to serve as a calming presence. Thanks to four military whistleblowers who testified before Congress last month, we finally know who committed treason and why they did it.
The House Subcommittee on Oversight held the hearing back on April 17th, but we are just now learning about it. Four National Guard whistleblowers came forward to set the record straight on what really happened on January 6. The whistleblowers were Command Sgt. Major Michael E. Brooks, Colonel Earl G. Matthews, Aaron Dean (Ret.), and Captain Timothy Nick.
The soldiers testified under oath that they were prepared to deploy in DC on January 6th, because the order had come down from President Trump. When the day arrived, however, they were held back from deploying by the Pentagon.
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) had her daughter with her on January 6 with a film crew in tow. You know, in case they needed to capture the drama and excitement of an insurrection on camera or anything. Total coincidence. Tuck that fact away for a moment.
Both Nancy Pelosi and Washington, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser were warned of the potential for violence in the city that day. Both Pelosi and Bowser turned down the offer to have troops there that day.
Former Capitol Police Chief Steve Sund also asked for the National Guard to be placed on standby that day, in case Capitol Police needed rapid backup. Sund made this request to security officials in both the House and Senate—and both turned him down. The Capitol Police had been warned about the possibility of violence at the protest two weeks before it happened.
So, we have the House Democrats, the Senate Democrats, and the Democrat mayor of Washington, DC all turning down help from the National Guard on January 6 after they were warned about the possibility of violence that day. They all knew that things were going to get out of hand that day, and that is why they turned down the troops and why Pelosi had a film crew tagging along.
Those issues are secondary, however, to the fact that someone disobeyed a direct order from the Commander in Chief.
Col. Earl Matthews was the chief legal advisor for the National Guard back in 2021. He testified before Congress that President Trump’s authority as Commander in Chief was ignored by senior military officials on January 6th.
Matthews testified that former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Mark Milley, along with the US Army’s then-Secretary Ryan McCarthy, secretly plotted to disobey any orders from President Trump. When you learn the reason why they plotted this, it will become clear that Milley and McCarthy both suffer from Stage IV Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Col. Matthews told the Daily Mail, “Army leadership had unreasonably anticipated an ‘unlawful order’ from the President, an order that the President had no plans to issue, and were preemptively seeking to curtail his discretion to issue such an order.”
Donald Trump issued a lawful order to deploy the National Guard in DC on January 6th. The purpose of the troops was to have a calming effect on the crowds. The undercover FBI agents who were tasked with committing violence that day to spark a riot might have thought twice about their orders if they had known they could have gotten their butts kicked by the National Guard.
Milley and McCarthy disobeyed a direct, lawful order from the President of the United States because they falsely believed that Trump was going to stage a coup. They believed that once the National Guard troops were in place, Trump would order them to seize the Capitol and stop the certification of Joe Biden’s fake victory.
So, they staged a coup to prevent Trump from committing a coup he had no intention of committing. It tells us a lot about the liberal thought process, doesn’t it? They make up these fantasies in their heads about what LITERALLY HITLER BIG ORANGE is going to do, and they use these delusions to justify breaking every law in the books to stop him. These people are sick in the head.