The Great Replacement theory is the idea that the Democratic party is not only allowing, but encouraging mass illegal migration to the United States in order to water down the Republican voter base by introducing an all-new Democrat supporting voter bloc.
The thinking here is that the more illegals they let into the country – the more voters they will have.
Democrats have been hinting that this was their strategy for the better part of a decade, but whenever Republicans talk about it they have written it off as conspiracy theory or as racist.
Leftists have even gone as far as to suggest that Republicans exposing the plan need to be “arrested” and labeled “domestic terrorists.”
“What the Democrats need to do… is take this replacement theory and now make it the Republican racist replacement theory. Make every Republican answer, do you believe in it or not… This is the party of the replacement theory,” MSNBC contributor Donny Deutsch said.
Uber liberal Brown University professor Dr. Erroll G. Southers suggested that voters concerned about the “replacement theory” is comparable to the 9/11 terror attacks, and that Republicans should be treated as domestic terrorists for believing it.
“My guidance is that we have to treat it as the terrorist threat that it is. We rallied on 9/11. There was no question about what the country is going to do,” Southers said.. “We are facing the same threat…We should label them the domestic terrorist party.”
Even Sen. Chuck Schumer got in on the gaslighting, calling for Tucker Carlson to be deplatformed for spreading the “anti-Semitic” and “racist lie” of “replacement theory.”
“Proponents of this white nationalist, far-right conspiracy theory believe that a complicit or cooperative class of elites are advancing a plot designed to undermine the political power and culture of white Americans,” Schumer wrote in a letter for Fox News CEO Rupert Murdoch.
“For years, these types of beliefs have existed at the fringes of American life. However, this pernicious theory, which has no basis in fact, has been injected into the mainstream thanks in large part to a dangerous level of amplification by your network and its anchors.”
“I implore you to immediately cease all dissemination of false white nationalist, far-right conspiracy theories on your network,” Schumer said.
Now, Schumer is openly calling for exactly that.
Schumer demanded that it’s time to grant amnesty to “however many illegal aliens are in the country.”
“Now more than ever, we’re short of workers,” Schumer said. “We have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to.”
“The only way we’re going to have a good future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the Dreamers, and all of them, ’cause our ultimate goal is to help the Dreamers but get a path to citizenship for all 11 million or however many undocumented there are here, and we will be pursuing that in the next Senate, in the Senate, the comprehensive immigration reform,” he continued.
While Schumer suggested the figure may be somewhere around 11 million illegals, the real number is in the 30-40 million range – meaning if they go through with this it will deliver the Democrats 30-40 million new voters to help keep them in power even as they destroy America.