More than two years after the greatest act of treason was committed in US history – the 2020 election – I still see a lot of people on social media who are “black-pilled.” These people complain that there is no point in Republicans voting, because the system is rigged and we can no longer win national elections.
If that’s true, how did Donald Trump win in 2016? He can win again in 2024, if we do this the right way. And Trump has finally come forward with a plan on how to do it.
Giving up to the team that wants to perform transgender surgeries on kids while starting World War III with China and Russia and forcing everyone to pay $9 for eggs is simply not an option. We have to win.
Winning a national election in America used to involve both sides working feverishly to get out the vote for their people. That was nice. I remember it, and I liked it. Most of you reading this probably liked it, too.
But that’s not how elections are decided anymore.
As of 2020, elections are decided based on which team harvests and collects the biggest number of ballots. If that’s the path forward to winning elections, then that’s the path we must follow. If someone challenges you to a gunfight, you don’t show up with a knife. Or worse, a handkerchief.
That’s what the old Republican Party does. We’re the New Right and we’re here to fight and win. Even though most of us find ballot harvesting to be repugnant, we have to embrace this for the 2024 election – otherwise we’re not going to make it as a nation. Trump’s plan is for Republicans to embrace ballot harvesting for 2024, so we can beat the Democrats at their own game, under the new rules for how we conduct elections.
The funny thing about this is that Trump understands the Democrats perfectly. They ALWAYS throw the baby out with the bathwater. ALWAYS.
If the illegal aliens streaming across our southern border right now were to suddenly start announcing, “Thank you so much for letting us in! We look forward to illegally voting a straight Republican ticket in all future elections,” then guess what the Democrats would immediately do.
We’d have a 700-foot-high wall from sea to shining sea across our southern border. There’d be a moat filled with hungry alligators in front of the wall. There’d be National Guard soldiers with machine gun nests every 30 yards with orders to shoot anything that moves. There’d be razor wire on top of the wall, electrified to a fatal level that would kill anything that could touch it.
Trump understands this about Democrats, and he understands how they have reactionary conniption fits to everything he does. If he’s encouraging Republicans to start ballot harvesting, Democrats will suddenly start calling to ban ballot harvesting. We already have a real-world example of this!
Republicans in Orange County, California finally said, “Screw it! We’re ballot harvesting so we can win back some of these seats that are being stolen in red counties!” The Democrats are now suing the GOP to prevent them from ballot harvesting, if you can believe that. They still want to be able to harvest ballots. They just don’t want the GOP to do it!
Meanwhile, the California GOP is suing Governor Hair Gel to end the practice of ballot harvesting, while ramping up their own ballot harvesting efforts. The Democrats are foaming at the mouth at the idea that Republicans would do the same thing they’re doing.
Look, I get it. Trump does too. Mail-in voting and ballot harvesting are gross. Almost every country in Europe has banned the practice, because it’s such an obvious and blatant mechanism for stealing elections.
But if we want to finally ban ballot harvesting in American elections, we have to retake control of the White House and the Senate in 2024. You don’t get to set policy unless you win. And if this is the only way to win, then we need to embrace it in 2024.
There’s an activist named Scott Presler out there who is going from swing state to swing state and teaching the GOP how do harvest ballots just like the Democrats. We should be supporting his efforts, because this is the way out of this mess. We have to beat the Democrats at their own game, and that’s what Donald Trump intends to do with the help of guys like Scott Presler.