Friday, February 14, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

"Brought to you by Global Liberty News"

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The Dark Internet Underbelly

How to Profit from the Dark Internet “Underbelly” Over the Next 12 Months Using a Little-Known Skill

7:10 AM

Dear Entrepreneur:

There’s a battle raging beneath the Internet.  I’ll show you how to produce a nice income for yourself…in a great side business.  Or you can choose to leverage this market in a bigger way. Here’s the deal…..


How This Free Account Becomes Your ATM

Imagine having hundreds or thousands of people gladly handing you money each and every day.  A fantasy too many, a reality to those who know this secret…

Harnessing the power of this craze, you could learn exactly how they do it. You don’t need to be a ‘techie’ – you just need to smell a no-brainer profit from something that’s insanely popular…!

**End Sponsored Content**

Like I said….there’s a war taking place in the Internet’s “underbelly”. It’s like the movie The Matrix, but this is real not a fantasy.

And actually, it’s not limited to the Internet. This warfare is taking place on corporate intranets, extranets, wireless networks and everywhere in between.

About the only place you won’t find a battle is on “dead drops”. Which are “off Internet” style P2P file sharing zones such as

The problems are being caused by pesky little things called “bug variants.”  A “bug variant” is a conscious software programming error which can have many different negative side effects.  For example, bug variants in Web browsers cause security breaches, deceptive downloads, automatic redirects and malicious viruses.

“Variants” are new strains of viruses which borrow code from other known viruses.  A letter or letters following the virus family name usually identifies the variants.

For example, AgentBKY, SmallDAM, VBS.LoveLetter.B., VBS.LoveLetter.C., and WareZOV are all “bug variants”.

Bug variants are easy to understand for people who know the basics of programming, viruses, and software architecture.  But get this.

There are incredible money making opportunities surrounding “bug variants” and the programming warfare taking place as we speak.  Heck….network security is the fastest growing sector in information technology!

One opportunity is professional hacking.  Granted, you might not be tech savvy or even have an interest in this area. But you might know someone who is. Give them this information today!

What’s more, you can also invest in entrepreneurs and companies who are successful in network security, encryption, virus detection, IT forensics and professional hacking.

Believe me…this is a HOT rising trend.

Who would have guessed you could make money by eradicating bug variants on the Internet?  But it’s true!  Programming, professional hacking and network security is a legitimate business opportunity and the demand is growing like wildfire.

Robert Graham, founder and CEO of Errata Security, said, “We’re seeing kids playing and pretending to be masterminds, but recently, we saw the rise of the professional hacker. Many hackers are graduating into the professional ranks too. This development carries serious implications for corporate security.”

And this is the opportunity for professional hackers.

How to Make Money as a Professional Hacker


Your Username & Password

I wanted to make sure that you got to see this, it’s brand new for you, just came out yesterday.

Go now, read the material (takes 6 minutes) and get your username and password sent to you.

There are some really killer videos on the page that you don’t want to miss.

**End Sponsored Content**

One of the best ways to get started as a professional hacker is to start hacking.  I’m serious.  There are thousands of books and online tutorials available to help bring you up to speed.

But my 18-year-old son assures me the best “hacking” information and tutorials are posted online, in hacking forums, gaming chat rooms, and on encrypted websites.   Hackers get a “kick” out of divulging their escapades!

As Graham points out, ordinary programmers in a “job” write code to pay the bills.  But professional freelance hackers think of this as something to do for fun.   Most hackers are delighted to find someone willing to pay them to do it. But for many hackers, money is secondary or even relevant.

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not suggesting you become a professional hacker to screw things up, steal, or cause malicious problems for people and businesses.

I’m confident if more people learn how to hack and become “tech savvy” with regards to bug variants, viruses, and other network security issues, there will be fewer opportunities for wayward geeks to get their thrills.  The big money is in providing this service for large corporations, governments, military, education, health care, and e-commerce.

My preference would be to approach this market as a freelancer rather than an in-house hacker or in a “job”.  Granted, you may have to work with a company on a part-time or intern basis to get your feet wet.  There’s a new job title in networking and security circles, it’s called a “Chief Hacking Officer.”

I’m not kidding.

There were hundreds of freelance programmer and hacker opportunities posted online on sites like CodeWalkers,, and DICE.

If you review these postings you’ll become familiar with what companies are looking for when it comes to professional hackers.  Many times professional hackers will also be referred to as “code specialists” and security programmers. But either way you’ll begin to see a tremendous need for professional hackers.

On top of that, the windows of opportunity have opened in three new sectors too: Google hacking, mobile phone (and iPhone) hacking, and Linux hacking. You can also join in the fun with online games.

This market is growing in leaps and bounds.  Google “hacking” and you’ll see what I mean.  On top of that, the money making potential in this sector is serious business.

Your humble host,

Marc Charles

(Ed Note:  Marc Charles is referred to as “The King of Business Opportunities” ….and for good reason. He should be known as “The King of Legitimate Business Opportunities”…because he’s launched, bought, sold reviewed and advised on hundreds of businesses and money making opportunities. He understands legitimate opportunities. Marc has agreed supply League of Power members with crucial updates regarding legitimate business and money making opportunities.)


How This Lie Affects You…

In retirement, will you take your grandkids to McDonald’s or will you be the one serving them the burgers there?

Sounds like a silly question … I know.  But sadly this is becoming a reality for many retirees.

With the 5 secrets I’d like to share now, you can start enjoying more of life’s luxuries instead of cutting back.

You’ve been lied to. And you don’t need to remain in the dark for a second longer.

**End Sponsored Content**

******* Action Strategy *******

If you’re new to hacking, and you have an interest in it, it’s fairly simple to bring yourself up to speed.

One of the best ways to learn hacking is on hacking websites, forums, discussion lists, and IT Security websites which are devoted to the area.

There are a certification courses in “ethical hacking” too.

The Security Certified Network Architect (SCNA) offers one of the most respected courses.

If you’re already proficient at programming and hacking and you want to start making money, the fastest way to get started is by posting your availability on the most popular security boards.  I’ve included a ton of links to them in the Valuable Resources section.

Simply post your qualifications and expertise or interest on the top hacking sites and forums.  I realize there’s a huge demand for a “high-level” security experts and hackers is with larger companies, corporations, governments, military, etc.  But there are plenty of opportunities in the small and medium sized business market too.

Direct marketing should be a part of any fast start strategy.

Most freelance programmers and hackers think marketing is a “sin” (and I know because I’ve hired, trained and worked with dozens of them).

But a simple, persuasive sales letter sent via FedEx to “A Prospects” (companies who hire professional hackers and security experts on a regular basis) could be very effective at securing projects.

Another approach is entering hacking tournaments.

If you place in the top percentile of these high-profile competitions, you’ll have more work and offers than you could ever handle.

DEFCON hosts one of the largest hacking events in the world.

You can also post a website or blog and “lace” it with security, virus and hacking terms with SEO and SEM in mind.

I helped a freelance programmer recently post his bio and expertise with a simple website and domain for under $100. He told me he receives quality traffic, inquiries and leads every week. He hosts his bio/website free of charge on

Now we’re talking!

Look….it’s simple.

The security, hacking and virus sector of programming is a HOT rising trend. If you can hack and you know how to market and close contracts you’ll have more work and projects then you can handle.

Have fun!

Please send me your feedback and thoughts!

************ Valuable Resources**************

Top Freelance Hacking Job and Projects


IT Jobs Post (UK)

Security Focus Jobs

Craigs List



Premier Hacking Competitions


LinuxSecurity (announcements)

Ghetto Hackers

Hack in the Box (announcements)

Additional Hacking Resources (Hacking school, competitions, tools, forums, etc.)



The Network Administrator


Astalavista (fast crack engine)

Phrack (digital hacker’s magazine)

2600 – The Hacker Quarterly


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