Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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Taking the Fashion World by Storm

Who among us hasn’t looked at the newest style “collections” produced by the top fashion houses in the world and thought, “Who in their right mind would wear that?”

Modern fashion? More like a bizarre form of modern art hung on anorexic models, forced to march down catwalks in Paris amid pulsing dance music, all the while scrutinized by the “top” names in fashion, like the editors of Vogue.

But guess what? No one wears those strange creations that the top fashion houses churn out as the next step forward in fashion.

At the same however, people are interested in fashion and looking good… and that often means relying on the old classics when putting together a style. As you’ll see in a moment, there’s money in that knowledge.

Guys still wear blue jeans and t-shirts and girls still wear skirts and blouses and yes, blue jeans and t-shirts. Elegance and formality still has a place – and will always have a place – in fashion, but as far as day to day wear, most of us choose a mixture of practicality with a little elegance mixed in.

Look at men’s jeans and the distressed looks that have come into fashion. Look at the dresses Target sells for women. These are all staples of every person’s closet, but it has been changed just slightly to give it that “edge”, that little flare that changes it from plain, drab, and boring clothing to something that people notice.

And then there are the little touches that every person seeks out to set themselves apart from the crowd. A fedora. A scarf. Gladiator-style sandals. High-top sneakers… the list goes on and on.

If you’re at all interested in the clothes that you wear – and those that other people do too – there’s a unique business opportunity waiting for you.

I’m talking about being a style or fashion blogger.

Room for Reasonable Fashion Bloggers

So the average woman isn’t going to go out and buy the latest clothing contraption that fashionistas like Anna Wintour deem the “Next Big Thing” in fashion.

But many women – and men, too – do care about fashion and like to stay current. That’s where you, as a fashion/style blogger, will thrive.

If you choose to focus on affordable, practical, and fashionable options for women’s or men’s wear, you will be able to reach an audience eager for a little guidance on what is fashionable… and that means web traffic for your online fashion guide.

As a fashion blogger, you’ll post reviews of new clothing designs, take photos of stylish people in your neighborhood and put them online, or throw up any type of content you think will catch attention.

Your audience is potentially anyone.

We all know that woman in the office who apparently has halted all her style adjustments in the late 80s: she sports the same flared haircut, the floral blouses, the stale brown shoes, and the gaudy jewelry. This woman is not your intended audience. But there are scores of men and women who want to stay current and fashionable and as close to the cutting edge as they can.

You’ll attract folks who dress according to the latest fashion, and are ready to buy new items that they believe will make them the next style icon.

These are the people who are interested in your fashion blog. As the blogger, you will have to keep up with what’s going on with the major designers. Your blog should comb through the latest collections from designers like Calvin Klein, Christian Dior, and Marc Jacobs. These are not exactly bargain-bin brands, but they are affordable to at least some people who include in their budget money for clothes. And for the rest, these clothes provide great inspiration for their own looks.

At the same time you should be checking out what H&M, Target, Express, and other “affordable” retailers are offering. And you should also be checking out what people are doing at a street level; what unique fashions that no designer has thought of are people wearing right now.

You’ll find a ton of content from those sources. The key to being successful is to be opinionated. Tell your readers what you think of any new item of clothing you come across – don’t hold back.

This is mostly geared towards women. But men are interested in fashion too… even if they deny it. So when you fashion blog for a man’s audience, it’s mostly the same, only simplified. After all, the basic two-piece suit has changed little in the past hundred years.

Recommend a respected – yet affordable – brand. Hugo Boss, and Armani all carry classic designs with a nice modern twist: just what a man looking to remain current and stylish is looking for. This includes pants, shoes, socks, shirts, coats, and so much more…even haircuts!

And, of course, on the affordable side, you should have no problem recommending Target, Express, and H&M.

But when all is said and done, don’t think you have to be a crazed fashionista to make this work. The most important thing is that you have a strong and unique viewpoint on new styles.

Monetizing Your Fashion Blog

If you include good reviews, sound recommendations, and hidden fashion gems, traffic to your site will explode.

There are a few ways to monetize a fashion blog once it has reached a high level of traffic. You can include ads that are focused on fashion – thus earning you a profit with every click.

But the best way is by including affiliate links to all the clothes and retailers you mention on your blog. For example, if you talk about a new coat offered by a designer, you include a unique link tied to you that goes to the retailer’s ecommerce website. When a site visitor clinks on that link, visits the retailer’s site, and orders something… you get a commission – a percentage of the sale.

One sale is not worth much. But after hundreds of orders it really starts to add up. And if your blog takes off and you generate thousands of orders… you could be making a good living.

Plus, as you get known in the fashion world, you’ll no doubt be sent clothing, accessories, and other fashionable items – these freebies and perks go with the territory.

If fashion is a passion of yours, but you don’t want to become a seamstress, this could be the perfect outlet for that passion.

I wish you the best of luck!

John Hollister

P.S. I’ve just given you the tips and tricks to creating a successful fashion blog. But here are a few more sites to keep you inspired and on track.


Inspiration for Your Fashion Blog

Fashion World Research

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