Democrats want us to believe that illegal aliens are not voting in our elections and have no plans to but the simple fact of the matter is that couldn’t be FURTHER from the truth and one massively important state just [...]
Forget about what the polls say, forget about what the media says, there is a single massive barrier standing between Donald Trump and the presidency– ghost voters. Ghost voting occurs when a vote is cast in someone’s name without their [...]
Well, well, well, if it isn’t the wonderful state of Michigan back with MORE voter fraud! As we’ve seen in recent years, the Democrat controlled state has been a model for how to successfully rig elections in America. With the [...]
Democrats LOVE to say that our elections are “safe and secure” while claiming that there has been “no evidence” of any fraud but if this isn’t evidence then I don’t know what is. The state of Arizona SHOULD be a [...]
The state of Mississippi is arguably the most Republican dominated in the entire country but an audit of their voter rolls made a terrifying discovery that could indicate the 2024 election is NOT SAFE! Conducted by the Fractal quantum analytics [...]
Dirty voter rolls are the absolute worst thing about our elections in America, especially when combined with mass mail-in voting. It’s how the 2020 election was stolen from President Donald Trump. Democrats know that dirty rolls and mail-in voting provide [...]
The threats to oust Ronna Romney McDaniel as head of the Republican National Committee at the organization’s January 31st meeting in Las Vegas must have gotten her attention. The RNC is suddenly (3 years late) threatening legal action against the [...]
An independent audit has revealed that the State of California has the dirtiest, most corrupt and fraudulent elections out of all 50 states. That’s about what you would expect from a state where the legislature legalized gay pedophilia earlier this [...]
If we are to believe that the 2020 election was the “safest and most secure” ever, why is it that we find problems every time someone manages to peek under the hood? A private citizen group has released its findings [...]
It’s very telling that most conservatives view a dirty voter roll as if it’s a hot bag of poisonous snakes, while liberals view it as a wonderful opportunity. That’s why Democrats will go to any lengths to avoid cleaning up [...]