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Browsing the "Vaccines" Tag

Landmark Case Means Americans Can Now Sue Big Pharma for Vaccine Injuries

Up until now, the drug companies have been shielded from liability for all the COVID vaccine injuries and deaths that they have caused. They’re protected by something called the PREP Act, which stands for Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness. A [...]

October 26, 2023 News
Viral Research Paper Proves COVID Shots Kill Brain Cells & Heart Cells

Viral Research Paper Proves COVID Shots Kill Brain Cells & Heart Cells

Suddenly, it all makes sense! The COVID shots kill brain cells. That’s according to a newly published scientific research paper that has gone viral (pun not actually intended). The paper conclusively proves that mRNA COVID shots kill brain cells and [...]

October 3, 2022 News
Governor DeSantis Makes Florida the First State to Recommend Against Vaccinating Healthy Children

Governor DeSantis Makes Florida the First State to Recommend Against Vaccinating Healthy Children

Florida leaders announced their recommendation that healthy children do not need to get the COVID vaccine this week. During a roundtable meeting with medical experts, Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Lapado advised parents against vaccinating their [...]

March 8, 2022 News
Child Mortality Spikes in UK as Vaccine Campaign for Kids Begins

Child Mortality Spikes in UK as Vaccine Campaign for Kids Begins

Tucker Carlson announced a startling statistic last week on his show: 80% of American adults are now vaccinated. I really hope Tucker digs into that a little deeper, because that figure from the CDC is obviously exaggerated. Just last week, [...]

December 13, 2021 News