A newly published study on ‘Covid-19 deaths’ in the UK in April of 2020 is so shocking that it’s difficult to even wrap your head around. If the numbers in this study are accurate—and based on a preliminary read they [...]
Dark Brandon, otherwise known as Joe Biden, has recently been bragging that the United States is the only country on earth that is jabbing infants and toddlers with the coronavirus “not-actually-a-vaccine” vaccines. As if that’s something to be proud of. [...]
A year ago, when the vaccine rollout began, the liars in charge made a dire prediction: Poor countries around the world would be struggling with COVID for years to come, because they don’t have our fancy-pants experimental mRNA shots that [...]
The imposter in the White House delivered his first State of the Union speech this week, and actually tried to extend an olive branch to people who were smart enough to not take the COVID vaccine. Joe Biden actually said, [...]
Tucker Carlson announced a startling statistic last week on his show: 80% of American adults are now vaccinated. I really hope Tucker digs into that a little deeper, because that figure from the CDC is obviously exaggerated. Just last week, [...]