If you want to know why Members of Congress seem so unconcerned that 60% of Americans no longer have a savings account, you should know that it’s because Congress had another banner year in the stock market. Talk about a [...]
Venture capitalist Paul Pelosi is making some big moves on the stock market these days, now that his wife Nancy is back in charge of the House of Representatives. Maybe he’s just one of those really smart gamblers! Not to [...]
“Just Push A Few Buttons and the Money Will Start Rolling In!” “With Just A Few Clicks of the Keys Your Bank Account Will Explode With Cash!” “Simple and Easy Tricks to Getting Wealthy!” “The Magic Button For Wealth Is [...]
November 25, 2013
Freedom by Friday
Whatever happened to the old saying, “Sell in May and Go Away.” It used to warn investors away from investing in the months May through October, a historically underperforming time for stock holdings. But this summer has been anything but [...]
Welcome back. How would you like to get some easy and fast cash? Yes? I must be psychic. Somehow I thought you’d like the sound of that. Well stay closely tuned to what I’m about to say then, my friend… [...]
February 11, 2013
Freedom by Friday
By Jim Sheridan. Welcome back. How would you like to get some easy and fast cash? Yes? I must be psychic. Somehow I thought you’d like the sound of that. Well stay closely tuned to what I’m about to say [...]
September 17, 2012
Freedom by Friday
The Year Ahead 2012 is upon us and for the most part it looks like the volatility that produced more triple digit up and a triple digit down days in a single year, 2011, will continue. Volatility along the lines [...]
The Risk Trade If you think blue chip paying stocks are hot now…wait for another year…or buy some when the markets dips. Last I checked, my bank was paying me just less than 1% for money market cash. And, this [...]
December 12, 2011
Freedom by Friday
Last week was a doosie. In fact the whole month of September has been a wild ride. And not just for stocks but for gold as well. Never in the history of the markets have we had so much sustained [...]
A few issues back I wrote to you about “chaos-stan”, referring to the area of the world that is in turmoil today, and the area that we should be paying particularly close attention to. My number one concern was Pakistan, [...]