Now that President Trump has been fully and completely exonerated, acquitted and found innocent of any wrongdoing by the Senate (Sorry, Democrats, no take-backs!), it’s probably a good time to start kicking over every rock in Ukraine to find out [...]
The Government is hell bent on pushing us back into a recession! As I write this we are on week two of the government shutdown. For 14 days neither the Obama administration nor members of the Republican Party felt any [...]
October 14, 2013
Freedom by Friday
Last week retail bell-weather Best Buy (BBY-NYSE) reported disappointing earnings. As the CEO Brian Dunn put it “store traffic is “choppy,” adding that “consumer spending is episodic … It appears that customers are operating on cues from the broader environment.” [...]
According to the Fed, inflation is virtually non-existent in the US. Overcapacity, slack demand, high unemployment all point to a weak environment for prices. Is that right? Since most commodities are priced in US Dollars, it’s been a fairly easy [...]