The mRNA COVID vaccines have claimed the life of yet another beloved zoo animal in America. The latest victim to be murdered by the mRNA shots was Little Joe, a 26-year-old western lowland gorilla at the St. Louis Zoo. It [...]
Here’s a first for the pandemic. For once, we have good news and bad news to share about the COVID vaccines—instead of all bad news. The good news is that one of the COVID vaccines has been taken off the [...]
While many Americans fought against the COVID tyranny by refusing to take the forced injections, it turns out Big Pharma may have found another sleazy way to MAKE SURE everyone gets tainted with their mRNA vaccines. According to attorney Thomas [...]
Suddenly, it all makes sense! The COVID shots kill brain cells. That’s according to a newly published scientific research paper that has gone viral (pun not actually intended). The paper conclusively proves that mRNA COVID shots kill brain cells and [...]