As we continue to learn more about Donald Trump’s would be assassin, Thomas Matthew Crooks, it’s become quite clear that federal agencies have LIED TO US about who he was and why he tried to kill Trump. The official narrative [...]
The US government has lied to us repeatedly in the past month since President Donald Trump was shot at a rally in Butler, PA. The only logical conclusion we can come to based on that fact is that elements in [...]
Internet sleuths have positively identified a mystery woman who was standing behind Donald Trump moments before he was shot last Saturday. Her name is Janeen Diguiseppi. She was standing behind President Trump to his left—and she ducked seven seconds before [...]
Just when you think the Democrats couldn’t possibly get any more despicable, they go and prove you wrong! In an effort to discredit Trump surviving an assassination attempt and his incredibly powerful response that came after, leftists are now claiming [...]
According to new reports, the would-be-assassin of President Donald Trump, Thomas Crooks, had multiple cellphones along with multiple encrypted overseas accounts – but the question is, why are they telling us this? The deep state has either gotten worse at [...]
Until we see evidence that proves otherwise, we should assume that the Biden White House was directly behind the shooting and attempted assassination of Donald Trump last weekend. None of the evidence that we’ve seen thus far suggests otherwise. Joe [...]
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) appears to be very intentionally purging ALL conservatives in an apparent attempt to mold the bureau into what the Democrats want it to be. A whistleblower has exposed that the bureau is not just [...]
Everyone remembers the slideshow version of what happened in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. A disgruntled Iraq War veteran named Timothy McVeigh and his accomplice Terry Nichols blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City with a truck packed with [...]
Have you noticed how angry you are all the time these days? I have. It’s probably not good for my blood pressure. Ever since the fake conviction of Donald Trump in the Soviet-style show trial in New York, I find [...]
Getting the GOP to do anything about the rogue FBI has been maddeningly difficult. Vivek Ramaswamy—a DC outsider—was the only GOP candidate in the primaries earlier this year who consistently called for the FBI to be defunded and disbanded. A [...]