The man considered to be Biden’s closest political confidants revealed in the past that the Department of Justice is “full of Biden people” and has been for quite some time. A recently unearthed interview saw former Delaware Sen. Ted Kaufman [...]
Joe Biden and his regime have been showering Ukraine with American taxpayer funds, claiming that its essential to “protect Democracy,” but newly released documents have exposed that our government knows Ukraine has one of the most corrupt governments in the [...]
As we learn more about what this Biden government has been doing behind closed doors for the last couple of years, it turns out they’re even MORE corrupt than we could have ever thought – if you can imagine that. [...]
Another disturbing connection has been established, showing that the Biden family leveraged then Vice President Joe Biden’s political capital to enrich themselves – selling out America to a foreign nation in the process. Court documents have uncovered that back in [...]
It’s tough to envision Joe Biden as some sort of criminal mastermind today. He got confused during an interview this past week and thought he was running against George W. Bush. He’s a doddering old fool that needs help opening [...]
The 99% Solution There are lots of numbers being thrown out there. You hear that the top 1% pay 40% of the taxes collected by the Treasury and that the bottom 50% pay nothing. It’s all malarkey. We all pay [...]
October 17, 2011
Freedom by Friday