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Browsing the "commodities" Tag

You Don’t Need a Connection for This

You Don’t Need a Connection for This

Wealthy “Connector” Reveals Inside Track for Making Money Question: I’ve heard there are ways to make money bringing people together for deals or by making simple introduction. Is that true? L.T. Mountainaire AZ 8:33 AM Dear Entrepreneur: Yes….you can make [...]

May 6, 2011 Weekend Business Blueprint
Behind the Global Curve

Behind the Global Curve

Global interest rates are rising in anticipation of inflationary pressures ahead. There are two major non-participants in this story. The first is Japan, which is adding liquidity to counter the economic devastation in the wake of last month’s earthquake/tsunami/nuclear event. [...]

April 18, 2011 Freedom by Friday
You Know it’s a Bull Market When…

You Know it’s a Bull Market When…

You Know It’s a Bull Market When… Greece collapses and the markets move higher. When Ireland collapses and the markets move higher. When Portugal collapses and the market moves higher. Spain is the next domino to fall – can you [...]

April 11, 2011 Freedom by Friday
Higher Prices Coming. Prepare Now!

Higher Prices Coming. Prepare Now!

I hope you’ve been taking the advice of my friends Kevin Raymond and Marc Charles lately. They’ve been right on the money when it comes to making money. Kevin writes Freedom By Friday and he has been spot on about [...]

March 2, 2011 Easy Street
While The West Sleeps

While The West Sleeps

The economy might finally be pulling out of the doldrums in the US, but it has a long way to go before it recovers. Much of the gains we have seen in GDP and the gains we will see in [...]

February 14, 2011 Freedom by Friday
Hold On To Those Commodities

Hold On To Those Commodities

According to the Fed, inflation is virtually non-existent in the US. Overcapacity, slack demand, high unemployment all point to a weak environment for prices. Is that right? Since most commodities are priced in US Dollars, it’s been a fairly easy [...]

April 5, 2010 Freedom by Friday
Half Empty Becomes Half Full

Half Empty Becomes Half Full

Hello again. How are you holding up? I welcome all your comments and feedback and trust my words each week are helpful in such a tumultuous time. To be honest, it can get very lonely in my seat. Not only [...]

March 23, 2009 Freedom by Friday
Where We Stand

Where We Stand

I’ve been asked to clarify a few things and this will serve as a good 2008 review/2009 best-guess estimate. Remember: these are only best-guesses. Nobody could predict Madoff with any certainty so there are always wildcards out there. These events [...]

December 29, 2008 Freedom by Friday