Tuesday, January 21, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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President Trump to Push GOP Majorities Toward Major Election Reforms

President Donald Trump is going to make massive reforms and improvements to the federal government, the global order, and American life in general once he gets back in office. The problem is that the clock starts ticking immediately on January 20. Realistically, he’s got two years from that date to get everything done. He also needs to solidify those victories so that they can’t be undone in a moment if a Democrat somehow winds up in the White House in 2028.

Trump is expected to announce a plan this week that will propose massive reforms to the ways that states are allowed to implement elections.

We just spent the last four years documenting the massive election fraud that took place in 2020 in granular detail. The voters made the 2024 presidential election too big to rig against Donald Trump, but there’s still fraud taking place right now.

It’s been five weeks since the 2024 election took place. Oregon, a state that uses universal mail-in voting, has only counted 97% of its ballots. California, Illinois, and New York have only counted 99% of their ballots. The same goes for the tiny and much less populous blue states of Maine and New Hampshire. In one congressional district in California, it took 28 days to count 210,000 ballots. The Democrat candidate for the House of Representatives won, obviously.

Seriously, if it takes you 28 days to count 210,000 ballots, the only possible reason is fraud. The Democrats in California cheated and stole that congressional seat.

The only red state that is still at 99% is North Carolina. They had a hurricane that destroyed entire counties in October. What’s New Hampshire’s excuse for taking this long?


We don’t have the exact details of President Trump’s proposal, but we know he will ask Congress for changes that include one-day voting, paper ballots, voter ID, and proof of citizenship for all national elections.

Ballot drop boxes would be banned under the proposal. Mail-in voting would only be allowed for valid purposes, such as if a voter is traveling out of state on election day, if physical infirmity prevents them from making it to a precinct, or if they’re traveling or deployed overseas. Trump may ask to make federal election days into national holidays, to mitigate the excuse of people who say they can’t make it to the polls.

Can he do this?

Not on his own. It will require Republicans in the House and Senate to actually make themselves useful for once. Here’s what the Constitution says on the matter, with the relevant section in bold:

“The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of choosing Senators.” – Article I, Section 4.

Blue states all took their marching orders from Barack Obama’s fraud operation in 2020. They used COVID as the excuse to impose universal mail-in voting, drop boxes, no signature verification, and other ridiculous rules at the last minute. If you have any questions about how this affected the country, just look at your savings account right now. (Assuming you even still have one after four years of Biden-flation.)

They should also change the rule that allows illegal aliens to be counted in the congressional apportionment of House seats. California stole more House seats because of its illegal alien population than the entire delegations of Montana, Wyoming, and Alaska combined. It’s insane that we grant a populous blue state more seats than it deserves, simply because it is breaking the law by declaring itself a “sanctuary state.”

Taiwan’s population is around 23 million. Every voter in that country counts its paper-only ballots on election night. They count them by hand (without untrustworthy machines). The counting of each individual ballot is broadcast publicly and anyone can watch the process as it happens. It takes them about 6 hours to do all the counting and then they know definitively who won the election.

Republicans in Congress must support and pass President Trump’s proposed election reforms. If they don’t, the financial misery and national ruin that we’re all seeing right now will be back in five years. If we can’t get back to having open, fair, and transparent elections, then we’re done as a nation.

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