Thursday, February 13, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

"Brought to you by Global Liberty News"

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Overcoming Your Fear of Failure

Last month in the pages of The League of Power I wrote about the Independence Movement…

Thousands of brave rebel souls across America and from around the world are hanging up on “the man” …plying their existing skills, experience and expertise on the open market… and spreading their entrepreneurial wings as highly paid coaches, consultants and freelancers.

It’s all part of a momentous wave of change — a bold new era, where collaboration trumps incorporation, and large corporations are forced to shed dead weight, shrink and adapt. And where cadres of nimble, rogue operative entrepreneurs co-operate to slash at their heels.

Together, these loose bands of e-business guerrillas out-maneuver, out-innovate and out-profit the outmoded old guard corporation… while at the same time FEASTING on the spoils of downsizing and disintegration.

Indeed, as you read these words, you are witnessing the most opportune entrepreneurial landscape of our time. BEHOLD, wide new vistas of opportunity, where it’s never been easier or more advantageous to break your rusty cage — and run.

The mouse you hold in your hand is the means — a vehicle for the attainment of a degree of personal AUTONOMY, INDEPENDENCE and PROSPERITY that is simply beyond the wildest imagination of most people.

There’s just one problem…




It’s the 900-pound gorilla in the room. The Hannibal Lector of your nightmares — the near-certain reason you haven’t already broken free from wage slavery. (Or if you have, why you’re piddling around in the kiddie pool of income.)

He’s an EVIL BASTARD… a devious genius who amuses himself by toying with your emotions.

He’ll TORMENT you… DESTROY your confidence… MURDER your ambition… and DEVOUR the flesh of your dreams… if you let him.

So let’s rip this dreary dream stealer apart limb-from-limb right now, shall we?

The first step is to get clear on your risks. What dire fate awaits you should you strike out on your own as a free agent and fail? How great are these dangers in reality, versus your nightmarish fears at 3 o’clock in the morning?

Twenty years ago, the barrier to business entry was like a 13-foot barbed wire, HIGH VOLTAGE electric fence monitored 24/7 by trigger-happy armed guards.

You risked a big stack of cash up front. You took on all kinds of nasty ongoing expenses like employees and premises. And you waited months or even years to see a profit.

Yes, you could get hurt.

But we’re not living in the nineties any more, grasshopper…

Today, busting out of your cubicle is like hopping a backyard fence.

I went into business as a copywriting freelancer, marketing coach and consultant eight and a half years ago with nothing but a computer, an Internet connection, and a couple of subscription software services. All told, less than a $100 a month in expenses.

Clearly, the financial risk is minimal. Yet I’ve coached and mentored hundreds of people to get into a similar business and spoken to hundreds more who would like to become independent… and STILL they are AFRAID?

The fear of failure is still there.

Tell me it isn’t true?

NEWS FLASH. It’s not monetary failure you’re afraid of.

It’s the fear of mockery and discouragement from friends and family when you tell them you’re going into business for yourself.

It’s the fear of having to listen to the gloating and I-told-you-sos when you temporarily fall on your sword in the early stages of any business endeavor.

And it’s the thinly veiled ENVY you’ll have to endure when you do break through to success.

You’ve been conditioned by the establishment to be enslaved by these emotions.

From early childhood, the powers-that-be have molded your mind for DEFERENCE and SERVITUDE. And these are the puppet strings they use to control you.

It’s a GRAND SCAM that glorifies conformity and crushes the glorious spirit of self-reliance, individualism and boldness America was built on.

I’m not kidding about this.

Nearly all online entrepreneurs have had the AUDACITY stomped right out of them, before they get even a toe-hold on the Internet gold rush.

They start out with a gung-ho attitude, some swagger, enthusiasm, a fire in their belly.

Yet sure as shootin’… 95% STILL DIE a nasty Internet death… beaten down, cowering, with their tail between their legs.

They lack the necessary AUDACITY to rise above the conditioning. (You’ve been programmed to detest this quality in people, but isn’t it true that you secretly admire those who have it?)


Because you instinctively know it’s the embodiment of the most precious entrepreneurial resource of all.

Not capital, not talent, not experience, not skill or accreditation — but pure, NAKED, unabashed, SELF-BELIEF!

It’s when you act in ways that are BIGGER and BOLDER than other people expect you to act…

It’s when you step outside of the frame that society has put you in and that other people expect you to operate within…

It’s when you make YOUR OWN RULES with no authorization to do so other than your own steely nerve and presumptuousness… and then challenge other people to play by them …

It’s when you set unreasonable expectations of yourself, and push beyond the zone of what you should be able to achieve…

…And it’s when you simply don’t give a damn what other people think unless that thinking is necessary to the advancement of your own agenda.

It’s the cure for fear of failure and the single biggest success-determining factor.

I didn’t know all this when I ditched my “Dilbert-cube” job back in 2004.

I tried all the usual dumb newbie stuff you read about online and in books.

It was as embarrassing as a Tupperware party.

I politely leaned on all my contacts, e-mailed “natural” prospects, sent letters in the mail, went to “meet ups” and networking events, and gave away a ton of free stuff.

And of course I was overwhelmed with trying to learn everything at once — SEO, joint ventures, blogging, autoresponders, social media, article marketing, web design, video production, SHEESH… and that’s just the tip of that nasty iceberg.

I was spread thinner than hotel toilet paper.

I even sunk $100,000 worth of my precious cash flow into riding the Google Pay Per Click monster, but I hated it… might as well get a job as a bean-counting accountant.

And what did I get for following the conventional approach?

A couple of drops from the faucet… a pitiful trickle of clients.

Enough to keep the lights on, but light years from the mother lode.

Yet a year and a half later I was clearing almost $200K a year… rubbing shoulders with some of the biggest guns in the business.

But this massive change was NOT because I got better at what I did for my clients! In fact, I could have been HALF as good and still catapulted my career. And it most certainly was NOT due to the cumulative effect of the typical dead-in-the-water self-promotional techniques that DO NOT WORK.

No… my Saul-to-Paul turnaround took the proper blend of AUDACITY and strategically created client attracting SYSTEMS.

Because success is almost NEVER about the “skill” of being a copywriter, doctor, lawyer, consultant, coach, web designer, Pay-Per Click expert, graphic artist, SEO wizard, publisher, tea leave reader… or what have you.

It’s all about SLAUGHTERING the evil bastard (your fear of failure) and applying the advanced strategies of HOW you acquire, “build,” and nurture your client relationships …which takes just the RIGHT amount of systematic AUDACITY.


Daniel Levis

About the Author

Daniel Levis is a top marketing consultant, direct response copywriter, and fierce defender of Liberation values. Register here for his upcoming live web workshop, entitled, AUDACITY TRAINING, How to BREAK FREE From Unfulfilling Work That Makes Other People Rich, But NEVER YOU — The Fastest Way to 6 Figures and Beyond as and In-Demand Coach, Consultant or Freelancing Pro. It’s 100% FREE. No Credit Card Required.

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