Wednesday, February 19, 2025
League of Power

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Moderna CEO Admits They Invented the COVID Vaccine Way Back in 2019

If this does not result in pharmaceutical executives being arrested over the coronavirus pandemic of 2020, nothing will. Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel openly bragged to his globalist friends at a World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting that his company had 100,000 doses of its COVID vaccine ready to go by the time COVID-19 leaked from the communist bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China.


Bancel also bragged that he knew in 2019 that there was going to be a “pandemic” the following year.

What a lucky guess! Does he also help Nancy Pelosi make her stock market trades?


This wasn’t just something that Bancel talked about in private conversations. He said it while he was on stage during a panel discussion!

Bancel bragged to the audience and other panel members that the “great news” was that Moderna was already producing its COVID-19 vaccines at “full capacity” by 2020. The first time that Americans started hearing about a weird virus going around near Wuhan, China was in January 2020.

“When the pandemic happened, Moderna had made a hundred thousand doses,” Bancel bragged. He said that Moderna had been making the shots “in 2019 for a whole year.”

“I remember walking after Davos into the office of my manufacturing and I say, ‘I will make a billion dollars next year.’”

“And they look at me a bit funny and say ‘What?’”

“And I say, ‘Yeah, we will make a billion dollars next year – there’s going to be a pandemic.’”

This isn’t a conspiracy theory. The dummy said it on camera! Here it is:

How exactly do you invent a vaccine for a disease that does not exist yet? The answer is that you cannot do that.

Whether you make a vaccine using standard epidemiological principles, or by using the brand-spanking-new mRNA clotting technology, you need a sample of the virus first. Otherwise, what on earth would you be making a vaccine for?

If you wanted to spend a ton of money on research, development, and manufacturing for a disease that doesn’t exist yet, your board of directors would probably fire you and insist that you go get a psychiatric evaluation. That would be crazy.

“I’m making an invention that will solve a problem that doesn’t exist yet!”

The implications of this are staggering. It means that Moderna must have been supplied with a sample of COVID-19 at least a full year before the planned release of the virus. COVID-19 is a very specific, genetically modified bat coronavirus. It was developed using Fauci funds that paid for illegal gain-of-function research at the Level IV bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China.

If the Moderna CEO knew in 2019 that this virus would be released in 2020, it means the whole thing was planned. This entire debacle was orchestrated ahead of time.

If Moderna had a sample of the virus a year before it was unleashed on the world, then this means that Pfizer must have had it too. The only difference is that Pfizer CEO Albert Bourlas hasn’t been dumb enough to admit it publicly.

Last year, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) chaired a hearing on Capitol Hill about the COVID-19 vaccines. One of the people who testified was Dr. Robert Malone, who is credited as one of the inventors of mRNA technology. Dr. Malone quoted directly from Moderna’s mRNA patent that the company has always known that this technology causes turbo cancer in humans.

Because of the complex process of making an mRNA vaccine, every dose is left with unsafe amounts of simian virus 40 (SV-40), a monkey virus that causes terminal cancers in humans. Moderna and Pfizer never disclosed the presence of unsafe levels of SV-40 in their vaccines to the public. This hidden ingredient was only discovered after independent researchers were able to obtain pure vials of the Moderna and Pfizer COVID vaccines and tested them.

They knew these so-called vaccines would cause terminal cancers in people. They knew that the pandemic was going to happen a year in advance. They created the vaccines a year before anyone had heard of COVID-19. They anticipated billion-dollar profits from the shots.

Why are these globalists not rotting in a prison cell already?

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