Friday, February 14, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

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Kamala Harris’ History PROVES She Would Turn America into Communist Dictatorship

San Francisco, CA - August 23, 2019: Presidential candidate Kamala Harris speaking at the Democratic National Convention summer session in San Francisco, California.

It’s possible that there has never been a single politician in American history to benefit more from the media’s blatant lies than Kamala Harris has, and as you’ll see, it’s incredibly dangerous.

The left-wing propagandists that have seized control of American media have made her out to be a “cool” and “inspiring” leader who earns the support of everyone she comes into contact with – but the REAL Kamala Harris might just be the exact opposite of that.

A disturbing 2019 op-ed has resurfaced to pull the mask back on Kamala the commie and reveal that any time she has an opportunity to actually lead people, the inner tyrant in her comes out.


The piece was written by Professor Terry McAteer to write about the “eye-opening” experience he had relating to Kamala when his son Gregory worked as an intern for her when she was California’s Attorney General from 2011-2017.

McAteer is a Democrat like many generations of his family before him but he said that his son was forced to deal with a “side of Kamala Harris which the general public does not know.

Harris vocally throws around ‘F-bombs’ and other profanity constantly in her berating of staff and others,” McAteer wrote.

Giving a glimpse into what a power-crazed lunatic she is, McAteer added that, “As AG… Harris instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she entered the office and say, ‘Good Morning General’.

Apparently viewing herself as some superior being, Harris reportedly instructed Gregory and several other members of her staff never to “address her directly” or “look her in the eyes.”

McAteer wrote that according to his son, those were “privileges” reserved only for senior staffers.

If that’s not the most blatant evidence of the fact that Harris has all of the makings of a brutal dictator then I’m not sure what is.

Making it clear again that his motivations in revealing this were not political, McAteer noted that he has “nothing against” Harris but she didn’t show the quality of leadership skills or a decent boss one might expect.

If she’s not qualified to lead the state AG’s office, she’s SURE AS HELL not qualified to lead the United States of America – no matter what the corrupt media tell people.

And this is most definitely a pattern for Harris, which seems to have only gotten worse as she’s ascended through the political ranks and the power has gone straight to her head.

A staffer who worked for her after she became VP noted again that she is a dangerous tyrant.

With Kamala you have to put up with a constant amount of soul-destroying criticism and also her own lack of confidence. So you’re constantly sort of propping up a bully and it’s not really clear why,” the staffer said.

That could of course explain why Harris’ VP office has had a near 92% turnover rate…

On top of that, they said that Harris is clearly someone who is not willing to do the prep and the work required to effectively serve as the Vice President. Just imagine what she would be like as president…

It’s clear that beyond being a complete moron when it comes to her policies, Harris is also a power-crazed authoritarian who would love nothing more than to turn America into a communist hell-hole like Venezuela or Cuba.

This election is even more important than anybody realizes. It could be the last one we ever have.

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