Joe Biden’s absolutely horrendous performance in the first presidential debate exposed how Democrat leaders BLATANTLY lie and it may have screwed them over BIG TIME.
Biden – being the career politician that he is – told several lies about President Trump but the issue is that thanks to his cognitively impaired state, the old man is not quite the liar he once was, and the American people saw right through it.
One of the most glaring examples of this came when Biden repeated the “very fine people” hoax, claiming that Trump suggested neo-Nazis were good people at a 2017 rally in Charlottesville.
“[Trump] said, ‘I think there are fine people on both sides,’” Biden claimed during the debate. “What American president would ever say Nazis coming out of fields carrying torches, saying the same antisemitic bile, carrying swastikas, are fine people?”
This lie was born from an out-of-context distortion of what Trump actually said and has long since been debunked. Recently, however, even far-left Snopes admitted that they were wrong about this one and noted that Trump NEVER called neo-Nazis “fine people.”
With the recent Snopes admission, the issue was fresh on people’s minds so Biden REALLY stepped in it by bringing this up.
Hilariously, even one of the debate moderators, Jake Tapper had debunked this back in 2019 admitting that “elsewhere, in those remarks, [Trump] did condemn neo-Nazis and white supremacists. So he’s not saying that the neo-Nazis and white supremacists are very fine people.”
Regardless of the fact that basically everyone now knows this was a hoax, Biden thought it would be a good idea to get up on that stage and push this lie AGAIN, but all it did was shred his credibility and further expose to the American people that the Democrats are willing peddle vicious lies if they think it will help their chances of remaining in power.
And this certainly wasn’t the only lie that the Democrat chose to go with during the debate.
Joe also claimed that he was doing such a “good” job with the border that all of the border patrol agents love him and decided to endorse him.
After laughing at Biden’s just blatant lie, Trump pointed out that border patrol had actually decided to endorse HIM, thanks to the horrific job Biden and the Democrats have done with managing the border crisis.
Just MINUTES after Biden made this claim, the National Border Patrol Council, a union which represents 18,000 BP agents, made it clear that the Democrat was LYING THROUGH HIS TEETH.
“To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.”
Again, with the entire world watching, Biden revealed that his party’s favorite strategy is to LIE, LIE, LIE but with these lies falling completely flat – it certainly looks like it won’t be enough to keep them in power this time around!
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