Tuesday, February 18, 2025
League of Power

The League of power

"Brought to you by Global Liberty News"

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INSANE! Biden Official Argues Ukraine Has “No Evidence” of Corruption! Sends Them $2 Billion More of Our Money

The United States has sent more than $100 billion to one of the most corrupt countries in recent history, Ukraine, with ZERO oversight, and in an effort to get the American tax-payer on board with sending MORE (not that it matters), the Biden admin is claiming that Ukraine is not “misusing” money.

According to a top Biden administration official, U.S. taxpayer money being poured into Ukraine is ‘money well spent.’

Samantha Power, the administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), spoke to ‘reassure’ taxpayers that they should trust Ukraine is doing the right thing!

Power spoke at a CNN town hall mere HOURS before the White House revealed that they would give ANOTHER $2 billion in military aid to Ukraine – coincidence?


According to Power, Ukraine has made ‘progress’ in rooting out corruption. She claims that officials are constantly checking to make sure that U.S. taxpayer dollars are being spent properly, except that’s impossible.

The money is being sent over with no strings attached and no way for American officials to verify HOW the money is being used.

“Up until this point, we don’t have any evidence that U.S. assistance is being misused or misspent but, again, the key is not resting on anybody’s goodwill or virtue,” Power said.

Apparently power missed the recent corruption scandal to come out of Ukraine where several officials were found to be lining their own pockets by signing overinflated military contracts and getting kickbacks for themselves – remind me again who is funding Ukraine’s military efforts?

Or how about the fact that countless weapons being sent to Ukraine have been found on the black market, suggesting officials in their military are stealing from the weapons they’re being supplied by Western allies and selling them for pure profit.

But of course, let’s not forget Joe Biden himself admitted that Ukraine is a glaring example of government corruption as recently as June 2021 when he said that the country was simply “too corrupt” to join NATO at this time.

“The fact is they still have to clean up corruption,” Biden replied when asked about Ukraine joining NATO.

So with even old Joe knowing that Ukraine is hopelessly corrupt and our tax dollars are being spent to make others rich while Americans at home continue to suffer, how can they seriously expect us to belief their half-assed efforts to CLEAR Ukraine of “misusing U.S. funds?”

Some House Republicans who are not entangled in the warmongering efforts that have plagued our government have begun demanding more clarity on how the American tax dollars are being spent in Ukraine, but still, the money continues to flow and flow a Biden and his allies prove they have some sort of unwavering obsession with the foreign nation.

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