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How to Make Big Money From Little Jobs: MicroWorkers.com

If you’ve heard a lot of talk about making money online, but you haven’t tried it yet – maybe you think it’ll take too much time or you’re worried you don’t know enough to make it work – this could be the opportunity for you.

Because I’m not talking about something that will take a lot of your time. And I’m not advising you to make a big, upfront investment.  And if you are able to read this, then you can make money by using the method I’m going to tell you about.

It’s very simple and easy…and best of all, it doesn’t take a lot of time and you can start making money today.

I’m talking about joining MicroWorkers.com.

The Inside Scoop

Finding online work at MicroWorkers.com is the perfect way for the newcomer or the skeptic to find profitable work today online. It’s easy, fast, and 100% free to sign up. All you need is an Internet connection, a free AlertPay account (so you get paid fast), and a little time.

As the name suggests, the jobs on MicroWorkers.com are pretty small: you’ll be voting for YouTube videos, following people on Twitter, signing up for email accounts, and so on. People are willing to pay you money for these small tasks because they need a large number of people to do this. They cannot do it themselves.

Take one of the most popular jobs advertised on MicroWorkers.com: voting for YouTube videos. The way YouTube works is the videos with the most votes, comments, etc. are the ones that are the most visible.

The folks that upload videos to YouTube cannot vote on their own videos because it’s against YouTube’s policy. Sure, they could create a fake account with a different email, but that’s a lot of work for little to no gain. It makes much more sense to pay a group of folks to do that for them – and that’s how you get paid.

You can also vote online, comment on websites, do forum posts… there are all sorts of small and easy jobs available.

If it sounds too good to be true, let me give you the bad news: the money isn’t great. Those jobs voting for YouTube videos? You’ll make about $0.10 for each vote.

But voting for a YouTube video only takes seconds. I wouldn’t be surprised if you could do ten in a minute. Doing a little math, that means you could earn upwards of $50 an hour.

Not too bad, eh?

The Real Money in MicroWorkers.com

When I first came across this website, it reminded me of that classic Seinfeld episode where Kramer and Newman hatch a plan to collect empty bottles and drive them up to Michigan where the recycling deposit is $0.05 higher than in New York. The plan being, if they collect enough bottles and get a free truck, they can clear a nice little profit.

That’s the mentality I suggest you adopt when using MicroWorkers.com to make money. Think about the big picture. Each little job you do is like collecting one bottle – some bottles are worth $0.10 while other, more complicated bottles can be worth $3.50. It depends on how involved the job is.

Some of the “bigger” jobs include writing reviews for products and services on blogs or websites.

But that’s not to say that the jobs that offer a bigger reward will take you any longer to complete than jobs that don’t. One of the more profitable jobs on MicroWorkers.com right now is for filling out an insurance form. The average time it takes to complete this job is five minutes, but that’s not to say you couldn’t do it in half that time – or less.

If you have a background in a certain “microjob” – and really, in this day and age, who doesn’t have experience filling out insurance forms? – you could zip through a bunch of these jobs in less time than doing something shorter but relatively newer.

Quick Tip

To get the most money as quick as possible, create free accounts for the following sites: YouTube, Google+, Digg, FaceBook, and Reddit.

You have to figure out which bottles you’re going to go after and then enter the marketplace with gusto, ready to make some serious dough by knocking out one job after another… just like collecting bottles.

And the best part, of course, is that you’ll be doing all of this from the privacy of your own home. And not only that, you’ll be setting your own schedule. You can work as much or as little as you prefer. There are no bosses and no deadlines… but the money is very much real.

To get started, just go Microworkers.com and register. It’s free.

I wish you the best of luck!

John Hollister

P.S. I just gave you all the tips you need to start making money on MicroWorkers.com. But here are a few more resources to help.


Where to Sign Up


Tips for Making this Opportunity Work for You










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