There’s an old saying floating around on the internet these days that you’ve probably seen in a meme: “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you’re not allowed to criticize.” The tech oligarchs in Silicon Valley have now grown so powerful that they are setting editorial policy for virtually the entire mainstream media. Most news media outlets are now filled with commie sycophants who are only too happy to comply with the tech companies’ dictates. But now we’ve learned that even Fox News will censor its own news programs to obey the masters at Big Tech. In the latest example, Fox News just censored an interview with President Donald Trump, in order to please their masters at Google.
You cannot make this stuff up. America’s real duly elected President – Donald Trump – gave a spectacular interview to Dan Bongino on Fox News a couple of days ago. It was great. It was hyuuuge! Probably… one of the best interviews ever, a lot of people say!
Trump made some great remarks about the rigging of the 2020 election, and how the Democrat Party stole that election through a variety of schemes including but not limited to dead people voting, foreign nationals voting, illegal aliens voting, machines stealing votes and more.
The interview was so great that a lot of people wanted to share it on their Twitter/Facebook/whatever social media accounts. But when they went to share the Fox News interview, they noticed something very odd. All of President Trump’s comments about the stolen 2020 election had been removed from the Bongino interview.
In fairness to Dan Bongino, he had no idea that his interview with Trump had been censored to remove all remarks about the rigged election. I believe him. Bongino was pretty peeved about it and complained about it on his radio show. After complaining and asking questions of his bosses at Fox News, they finally told him the truth: Fox News higher-ups edited the Donald Trump interview so that they wouldn’t get in trouble with YouTube’s censors.
Another way of phrasing that is: YouTube is now setting the editorial policy at Fox News.
This is absurd and incredibly dangerous for our republic. Fox News is violating all known ethical journalism standards by allowing an outside entity to set their editorial policy like this. Out of all the news outlets in the country – and I say this even though I despise Fox News – Fox is the one that has enough size, reach and clout to stand up to the Big Tech censors in Silicon Valley.
This never would have happened back in the days when Brit Hume was managing the news division at Fox News. I never worked directly with Brit, but I have had the privilege of working with some old-school news directors and editors like him. And I’m pretty sure I know how Brit would have handled this situation if it came up under his watch. He’d tell YouTube to go pound sand and run the video of President Trump talking about election fraud. And if YouTube still censored the interview, Brit would direct the entire newsroom to devote every free second of airtime to slamming YouTube for being a bunch of censorship pansies, until YouTube backs down.
I’ve seen similar situations play out multiple times in newsrooms across the country, back before every newsroom was infiltrated by woke social justice weirdoes. Here’s an example of how things used to work.
Suppose that the owner of the local car dealership gets arrested with a transgender hooker. That’s a huge local-market story. And a reporter at your local TV news station has an exclusive scoop on it.
As sure as a bear does the Jerrold Nadler two-step in the woods, someone from the local TV station’s sales department is going to come huffing and puffing down the hall. She’ll demand that the story about the car dealership owner and the tranny hooker must not be aired under any circumstances, because the car dealership’s owner spends hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising with the station every year.
A good news director in the vein of Brit Hume will say just a few words in response to this demand: “Buzz off. It’s newsworthy and we’re not going to lie to the viewers by covering it up.” That’s the only proper way to respond to a request to cover up and hide the news. You don’t have a free press or freedom of speech otherwise. I’ve seen that exact scenario play out multiple times during my years working in newsrooms. (Car dealership owners really have a thing for transgender prostitutes for some reason.)
Fox News no longer has that kind of moral or ethical backbone. YouTube demanded that Fox News censor its own content, so that Americans won’t learn that Donald Trump still firmly believes the 2020 election was stolen. And Fox News complied with that request. This is just the first time that Fox News has been caught censoring the news to comply with Big Tech. What else are they not reporting on?
Such wimps!