Remember when the media fretted about how we were going to have a baby boom during the lockdowns? The reasoning was that because people were forced to stay indoors to avoid COVID, everyone would get frisky and we’d see a big baby boom in about January or February of 2021.
The baby boom never materialized. In fact, ever since the COVID shots were rolled out, we’ve been experiencing the opposite. And the government keeps insisting on lying to everyone about it.
If you try to look up the effect of the COVID vaccines on fertility, you’re going to mostly hit a brick wall. It’s all a “conspiracy theory” to think that the shots reduce fertility, or have an impact on a woman’s ability to carry a healthy baby to full term. We’ve even seen studies that claim that vaccination increases fertility, especially in women. If that’s the case, then why have birthrates plummeted in countries that tried to force the vaccines on everyone?
The average birthrate across Europe has dropped 14% since the vaccine rollout. Germany is closer to 20%. We don’t know what our birth rates are doing here in the US, because our government now lies to us about everything and hides its real statistical data from the public. For that reason, we have to come up with creative methods of figuring out what’s really going on.
Fortunately, blogger Igor Chudov came up with a great idea last week. It’s an anecdotal finding, but it gives us a clear picture that something is obviously going on with US birthrates. Google offers a suite of software tools that anyone can use to look up data on search terms over time. There are tools that allow you to go back years in time and figure out when various search terms came into fashion, or faded away.
For example, the word “racism” wasn’t used nearly as much in American life prior to 2008, when major race hatred purveyor Barack Obama first ran for president. Now you can’t step out your front door without encountering the word, or being called a racist outright. The New York Times is physically and mentally incapable of writing a news story without the word “racist” or “racism” in it.
Anyway, Igor Chudov decided to look for Google searches for “maternity clothes,” and compare the early 2023 numbers to early 2022 and years previous. Since Google pretty much has a monopoly on searching for things online, this gives us a look at something that should remain fairly stable over many years.
Maternity clothes are unique. The only people likely to conduct a search for “maternity clothes” are pregnant women, and friends or family members who want to buy maternity clothes for someone who is expecting. With a stable birth rate, the number of searches for this unique type of clothing should also remain fairly stable. There should not be very much deviation from year-to-year.
But there is. Starting in 2022, and continuing now in 2023, fewer people are looking for “maternity clothes” online. Chudov estimates the decline at about 12% in 2022, and 15% in 2023. This implies that the negative impact on fertility rates in the US, which most of us believe is caused by the COVID shots, is accelerating.
Again, this is anecdotal evidence. It does not mean that the birthrate has declined by 12 to 15% in America, because it’s not a one-to-one comparison. More people search for maternity clothes than are actually giving birth. But it does mean something is happening.
The CDC continues to lie to the American people about this. They actually claim that the birthrate did increase a bit after the vaccine rollout, but they’re obviously fudging the numbers. There’s simply no way this is possible. How many whistleblowers from hospitals have we heard from in the past two years talking about the shocking increases in stillbirths and miscarriages? I can think of half a dozen off the top of my head.
But even with increased stillbirths and miscarriages, people would still be searching for “maternity clothes,” because you don’t know ahead of time that you’re going to lose a pregnancy. The fact that there’s been a dramatic decrease in searches for maternity clothes suggests that far fewer women are getting pregnant in the first place. Whether that is from reduced sperm counts or the disruption of menstrual cycles in women is unknown at this time. But it’s happening. Meanwhile, the CDC website still says that COVID shots are “safe and effective” for pregnant women.