It looks like the evidence that True the Vote presented to elections and law enforcement officials in Georgia was so compelling that it is starting to pay a few small dividends. True the Vote tracked the cell phone movements of 240 ballot harvesters who illegally stuffed the election drop boxes in Democrat-run Georgia counties, leading to Joe Biden’s alleged-asterisk-asterisk-footnote 11,779-vote margin of “victory” in the state. They also located the surveillance video of these Democrat activists stuffing the boxes.
In response to this irrefutable evidence of criminal activity, the state Board of Elections has granted Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger subpoena power to investigate it.
On the one hand, the evidence is so rock-solid that the Georgia Board of Elections has said that it must be fully investigated. On the other hand, it’s Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger we’re talking about here.
That doesn’t exactly inspire confidence that this will be an above-board investigation. Most Trump supporters feel that Raffensperger will whitewash the crimes and sweep the whole thing under the rug. Whether this is because Raffensperger simply hates Donald Trump, or because the so-called “Republican” has been bought and paid for by the Democrat Party, is irrelevant. Raffensperger has lost the trust of the people.
When the Georgia State Troopers were presented with True the Vote’s evidence, they immediately started a criminal investigation. Or at least that’s what they told the public. After a cursory search, they discovered that every Democrat-controlled area in Georgia had deleted all of the surveillance videos of their drop boxes. That looks mildly suspicious, huh?
The Troopers, who must have attended the Bill Barr School of Intrepid Investigating, then issued a lazy shrug and closed the case. Nothing to see here!
Raffensperger, to his credit, wants to hear from the whistleblower who explained the entire scheme to True the Vote. That whistleblower has explained that he was paid $10 per ballot by Democrat Party NGOs to run all over Atlanta before the election, stuffing batches of ballots in the drop boxes.
Like I said, True the Vote’s evidence is incredibly compelling. They have an eyewitness/participant in the crime, video evidence of the crimes, and cell phone GPS data from all of the illegal ballot harvesters. Any jury would convict based on all that. So, Raffensperger has to give at least the appearance of conducting an investigation. Georgia voters would likely show up at his house with tar and feathers if he doesn’t.
Raffensperger says he plans to first subpoena the whistleblower, saying:
“Was he paid? How much was he paid? And then who paid him. And we’re going to follow the money, and we’re going get to the bottom of it. And we’re going to prosecute this, if we find that there’s substance to it.”
There’s my favorite statement from a Republican politician: We’re going to get to the bottom of it.
When Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) was Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee for two years, he went on Hannity every night proclaiming that he was going to hold hearings on the Russia collusion hoax. “We’re going to get to the bottom of it!” he said every night. But in two years, he never scheduled that first hearing. But I digress.
And Raffensperger says, “We’re going to prosecute this.” Who is the “we” he’s referring to? The Secretary of State doesn’t have prosecutorial power. And there’s no guarantee that the state’s Attorney General will prosecute the case, either.
The Arizona Attorney General was handed slam-dunk evidence of electoral fraud in his state back in September, and he hasn’t lifted a finger since then. “We’re going to get to the bottom of it!”
According to Dinesh D’Souza, who is making a documentary film about this fraud, there were more than 2,000 ballot harvesters identified in True the Vote’s probe, operating in every swing state in 2020. They have video surveillance, cell phone GPS data, and a whistleblower. If anyone needs more than that to prosecute this case, I kind of feel like we should question their abilities as a prosecutor.
Will Raffensperger actually follow through and investigate this slam-dunk case? I wish I could say I felt cautiously optimistic that he will. But if there’s one thing we’ve learned over the past 15 months, it’s that we should get our hopes up with these people.