What’s the endgame for Fox News on the whole Tucker Carlson thing now? Are they just going to burn the whole building down out of spite, because Tucker said things that made their bottoms hurt?
It’s only been a little over a week since Tucker was unceremoniously fired by the Murdochs, and the station is now swirling the drain. Their primetime shows are putting up MSNBC-level numbers. Rachel Maddow is beating Sean Hannity. Seriously. So, Fox News has decided to try to stop the bleeding by smearing Tucker Carlson.
So far, Fox has leaked text messages and behind-the-scenes videos of Tucker Carlson to the New York Times, and to George Soros’ Media Matters. If anything, these videos and texts are making Tucker look like even more of a nice guy and making the bums at Fox News look even more petty and liberal.
The New York Times is running a text message that Tucker sent to a producer about the Antifa/George Floyd terrorist attacks. The text message was sent around the time of the January 6 peaceful protests. It was going to be used by Dominion in its lawsuit that Fox News settled, and the Times is claiming that the Murdochs were SO PANICKED about this one tweet that they had to fire Tucker. Huh?
Anyway, Tucker talks to the producer about watching video in which a group of white guys applies a beatdown on an Antifa terrorist. Tucker has a gentle soul, so the video and his response to it upset him. He found himself rooting for the group of guys who were beating the Antifa dork senseless.
“Jumping a guy like that is dishonorable obviously,” wrote Tucker. “It’s not how white men fight.”
That’s the gist of the text message that supposedly got Tucker fired. Never mind the fact that it is true. When America was a Christian nation not that long ago, white men would fight each other one-on-one if they had some sort of beef. People of other races attack in packs. This is an observably true fact that reflects crime statistics in America in the 2020s. (If that upsets the Murdochs, no one should show them the FBI racial statistics on the crime of gang-rape.)
Why is it so shocking to everyone – why does everyone get the vapors so – when Tucker Carlson is trying to hold men to a higher standard? Is it because he said, “white men?” Really? Somebody grab the smelling salts.
Fox News has also leaked several videos of Tucker engaging in on-set banter with his staff, producers, Piers Morgan, and others. These are just on-set interactions with people, in which Tucker is chatting with his closest co-workers while they are not on the air live. In one video, Tucker remarks that he never knows how his appearance is until after his post-menopausal fans let him know.
That’s hilarious because it’s also true!
One of the weird things we used to joke about, back in the days when I was a TV news anchor and the media hadn’t gone to hell in a handbasket, was the weird phone calls from the post-menopausal women and the older baby boomer dudes. They’d call and leave me five-minute messages telling me how much they enjoy the broadcast, and then proceed to bitch about my hair for several minutes. It was weird, but also funny, because my hair is fabulous. And we’d joke about those older fans all the time on set!
In another clip, Tucker is complaining to a producer that the Fox Nation website sucks. Also, true. I signed up for the free three-month trial when it first launched, and it’s a terrible website. You can’t find anything on it. It didn’t even have a search function back then. It was maddening, and Tucker had that same complaint.
He’s griping about a product that makes everyone at Fox News look bad, because the engineer/programmer guys are thinking like engineer/programmer guys and not thinking about the viewers.
And we’re supposed to dislike Tucker for caring about the quality of the product? Seriously, what’s the endgame here for Fox News?
All they’re accomplishing is making people like Tucker even more and making it less likely that anyone will ever give Fox News another chance. Why bother? Enjoy losing to Rachel Maddow in the ratings, guys!
Here’s Megyn Kelly and the Libs of TikTok creator talking about the Tucker Carlson leaks, and the corner that Fox News has painted itself into by firing him.