Saturday, February 8, 2025
League of Power

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Four Years Later, FBI Admits Russian Potty Dossier Was Utterly False

Gordon Liddy died this week. 48 years after Liddy helped to orchestrate the Watergate break-in that ended Richard Nixon’s presidency, there are still unanswered questions about the burglary. That’s why none of us should get our hopes up too high when it comes to learning the full truth about the seditious “Russian collusion” coup attempt against President Donald Trump. When the Deep State wants to sweep something under the rug, it can remain swept for an awfully long time. But we are still getting some information on a slow-drip basis.

I had no idea this was still going on last October, but apparently the Senate Judiciary Committee, led then by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), was still interrogating FBI colluders in closed-door hearings. It took six months and a late-in-the-day executive order from President Trump, but another one of those testimonials has finally been declassified six months later.

Grassley’s committee questioned the “top analyst” who was in charge of vetting the contents of the salacious and salaciously fake Russian potty dossier that Hillary Clinton paid a foreign spy to compile. The interviewee was a guy named Brian Auten, whose title is FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst. (“Is” and not “was.” Auten is still employed at the FBI, because the completely worthless Director Christopher Wray hasn’t fired the guy.)


The mainstream media and FBI’s logic behind the Russian potty dossier has always been the exact opposite of how the law is supposed to work. We were told for years that even though some parts of the dossier were “unverified,” it must be true because some of the smaller details in it were true. That’s legally upside-down.

If a trial witness’s testimony is found to be false on a little detail, juries are allowed to consider ALL of that witness’s testimony false. But whatever.

Some of the little details in the Russian potty dossier were found to be “true.” Former FBI Director and current cornfield afficionado James Comey told us so, under oath, multiple times. Brian Auten told the Senate Judiciary Committee a different story, however.

Auten led a team of six other analysts who are some of the country’s top FBI experts on Russia. The entire team had deep knowledge of all of the key Russian and Ukrainian players who were named in the Russian potty dossier. What Auten finally admitted behind closed doors probably won’t come as a surprise to any Donald Trump supporter:

The FBI was never able to verify ANY piece of information in the dirty dossier as “true.” Not one. Not a single “fact” claimed in that dossier could be verified. The only things that Auten’s team could confirm was that the dossier…

Sorry – I just had to laugh out loud when I read this.

According to the FBI’s top analyst, the Russian potty dossier accurately portrayed the names of real people who exist. For example, the dossier claimed that Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen traveled to Prague in 2016 and met with some shady Kremlin folks to set up the collusion deal to steal the 2016 election for Trump.

The FBI was able to determine that “Michael Cohen” was in fact a real American and was really Donald Trump’s lawyer once upon a time. They also verified that the Kremlin spooks named in the dossier are real people and are really spooks at the Kremlin. Oh – and Prague is a real city in Eastern Europe! But… Michael Cohen never went to Prague, never met or spoke with Russians, and never colluded with anyone.

There were no “minor” facts in the Russian potty dossier that were ever verified or confirmed as truthful. Every claim in it was junk and a lie, made up to benefit Crooked Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Everybody on James Comey’s Crossfire Hurricane team knew that the dossier was a total fabrication. But they still took the dossier and used it as the primary piece of “evidence” to obtain a year’s worth of warrants from the secret FISA court in order to spy on Carter Page and many, many additional members of the Trump campaign and family.

It will probably take a Watergate-like amount of time before we finally learn the full truth of the Russian collusion coup attempt. The Durham Report’s coming any day now! But at least we finally know one thing with full certainty: Absolutely nothing in the dossier was true.

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