The absurdly corrupt Department of Justice is for some reason BLOCKING the state of Florida from properly investigating the second attempt to assassinate President Donald Trump, carried out by Democrat Ryan Routh… what are they hiding?!
Florida’s Attorney General Ashley Moody contends that US Attorney General Merrick Garland – a notorious Trump hater and Democrat puppet – is going out of his way to prevent the state from digging into the details of the assassination attempt.
The assassination attempt took place at Trump’s West Palm Beach, Florida golf course and the would-be assailant was arrested by state officials, which SHOULD mean that the state is entitled to conduct its own investigation into the matter.
After the arrest was made, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) announced that Florida would be investigating the matter because the same corrupt federal government that is trying to put President Trump behind bars could not possibly be trusted to conduct a legitimate investigation.
But according to AG Moody, the federal government is doing everything they possibly can to stop the state of Florida from getting REAL answers.
AG Moody argues that Merrick Garland and the feds are violating the 10th Amendment, which reserves certain rights for the states, adding that their actions pose a “genuine threat” to Florida’s ability to investigate not only the assassination attempt, but also other state law violations.
“These officials have stated that Florida may not conduct its own investigation, may not interview witnesses, and may only cooperate with the federal government’s investigation,” Moody’s official complaint states.
“Florida sues to vindicate its sovereign interest to investigate violations of state law, as delay may impact the outcome of any prosecution,” it adds.
According to this complaint, the DOJ began this peculiar effort to obstruct the state’s investigation just a few days after DeSantis signed an executive order back on September 17 which officially launched the state’s inquiry.
In an effort to justify their actions, the FBI cited a statue which says, “If Federal investigative or prosecutive jurisdiction is asserted for a violation of this section, such assertion shall suspend the exercise of jurisdiction by a State or local authority, under any applicable State or local law, until Federal action is terminated.”
But Moody demanded further answers from FBI Director Christopher Wray on the matter and he offered ZERO clarification as to why the FBI would need to stop Florida’s investigation in order to fully conduct theirs.
THEN federal prosecutors requested a bizarre “indefinite delay” in the scheduling of Routh’s trial. While this request was not granted, the trial was delayed until February 2025 – after the election – and this is important!
This delay has enabled the federal government to delay Florida’s investigation and the DOJ has forbidden the state from interviewing witnesses and executing any warrants or subpoenas until the federal investigation and prosecution are concluded.
“Every day that Florida is prevented from investigating, the State’s case becomes harder to prove at trial,” Moody said.
Moody has also flat-out suggested that the DOJ’s bias against President Trump means they are not best suited to oversee the investigation.
“The State of Florida has been clear that a dual-track investigation would be in the best interest of all parties involved,” Moody said in a press release. “It is not lost on us that the American people have concerns about federal agencies exclusively handling this matter while simultaneously investigating and attempting to prosecute President Trump.”
Notably, the FBI went out of its way to hide as many details as possible about the first Trump assailant, Thomas Crooks.
FBI agents were seen bleaching the crime scene shortly after the shooting occurred, then his social media presence mysteriously disappeared. One of the most troubling things occurred when the FBI sent the body to be cremated right when they learned that Congressional Republicans were going to pay a visit to the morgue where the body was being held.
Now here they are again covering up the details surrounding the second Trump assassin. What are they trying to hide from us?