Leading up to this Thanksgiving, Democrat voices in the media had been telling their viewers to “shun” their MAGA voting counterparts as revenge for electing President Donald Trump to a second term.
Their message was simple – ‘be rude to or ignore friends and family who have different political views than you do.’
However, the very origin of Thanksgiving suggests that this is the exact OPPOSITE of what the day is supposed to mean for Americans.
The first Thanksgiving took place in Plymouth, Massachusetts, in the year 1621. It was a gathering of 52 English settlers (the Pilgrims) and 90 Native warriors from the Wampanoag confederation of Indian tribes where they shared a three-day harvest feast.
In other words, it was about two different groups of people from completely different backgrounds with completely different views on the world coming together to share a meal and have the opportunity to form a connection despite all of their differences.
This meal forged a bond between the different groups of people which is one that Americans should strive to create today.
Rather than arguing about politics at the dinner table we should be setting all of that aside and realizing that as Americans we’re actually much more alike than we are different.
If we forget all of the noise that the mainstream media has been feeding us over the last several years to divide us then maybe that’s something we can actually do.
Remember that when your crazy cousin decides they want to get into a shouting match over the current political landscape. Don’t use this holiday as an opportunity to gloat over our recent victories, but instead use the day as it was originally used – to bring people together.